June 2010: Clear Connected and Cohered

Having any trouble feeling comfortable in your body these days? Many of my clients report feeling ungrounded, unsettled in their bodies, exhausted, and frayed at the edges. Many are releasing symptoms that relate to congestion in their energy fields. This month I’ve selected 6 essences that work well together to address these experiences. Western Hemlock Tree Essence was made last summer and immediately went to work helping people clear their personal energy fields and heal at the cellular level. It is the featured essence this month.

Clear Connected and Cohered

Western Hemlock Tree Essence

Western Hemlock TreeWestern Hemlock is an evergreen tree, often over 150 feet tall, that grows in fairly dry to wet woods at low to middle elevations. It is distinguished by gracefully down sweeping branches with a drooping top leader, needles that are short, flat and of uneven length, and small light brown cones. Hemlock was used for tanning and to make dyes. It was carved into household implements, and branches were tied then put into the ocean by river estuaries to collect herring spawn for food. Medicinally, western hemlock pitch was used in poultices, liniments for chest colds and salves, and bark tea was taken for internal injuries.

Western Hemlock Tree Essence is the signature personal energy field essence. To make this essence I was guided to a location deep in the woods of a nature preserve on Lummi Island where 3 huge hemlock trees stand in a row. The 3 trees represent the 3 personal energy fields – etheric physical, emotional and mental. One mother (storage) bottle was placed by each of the trees and a matrix of gemstones was placed among the trees and bottles. Together the essence quality of western hemlock tree, the 3 trees, and the attributes of the gemstones create the characteristic trait of this essence.

Western Hemlock Tree Essence clears your personal energy fields of irritations and intrusions such as genetic patterns of disease or addictions, imprints of previous illness or trauma, energies that do not belong to you that have become stuck in your energy fields, and other disturbances. Then it reestablishes a clear energy field blueprint and facilitates related healing at the cellular level.

As Western Hemlock Tree Essence says of itself:

I AM clear personal energy fields and healthy cells.

For more information on Western Hemlock Tree Essence and the amber, botryoidal dendritic agate, green tourmaline, jeffrey quartz, rutilated quartz, turquoise and drusy quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence while it was being made, go to the link below.

» More information on Western Hemlock Tree Essence

Clear Connected & Cohered Set of 6 Essences

The six essences in this set work together to clear your energy fields, create high frequency appropriate boundaries, plug you into the energy resources of Earth and the Cosmos to recharge your “batteries,” and integrate all of this into your body. Whew! What a wonderful offering to help you feel energized and at home in your physical and etheric bodies.

Western Hemlock Essence: Works through the etheric physical, emotional and mental layers of the personal energy fields to soothe irritations, intrusions, and disturbances to these energy fields. Reawakens the clear energy blueprint for these fields and facilitates related healing at the cellular level.

Golden Celebration Rose Flower Essence: Illumines a column of golden light through the center of your body, creating protection and joy from the inside out. Now Celebrate Life!!

Pathfinder Flower Essence: Correlates the link between the ley lines (energy meridians) of the Earth, the organ energy meridians of the human physical and subtle bodies, and the cosmic pathways of light and sound.

Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid: Supports being totally comfortable and at home in your body through being grounded in Mother Earth. Helps you to recharge from her unlimited energy source.

Red-Osier Dogwood: Aligns the body/mind where frequencies are out of resonance with your evolutionary process and are disrupting your cellular body cohesion.

White Yarrow Flower Essence: Seals energetic wounds and sets up a spherical field of white translucent protection around the outer reaches of your electromagnetic energy fields. Then permeates the energy circuits of your brain and central nervous system with high frequency White Light.

The evolutionary frequencies continue to ramp up. Experience how the Clear Connected and Cohered Set of 6 will support you during this process.

» More information on Monthly Specials

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