April 2012: Wrapped in Angel Wings

Wrapped in Angel Wings

Angels of Light Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister

Angels of Light was the very first aromatherapy/flower essence mister that I blended over 7 years ago. It has been by far our most popular aromatherapy mister. For a while now, I’ve felt that the formula was ready for an upgrade. All of the pieces came together when the Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence was made last summer and the Angel Wing crystal found me last fall. Then we used the last of the previous Angels of Light labels. Time to upgrade!

Now I am very happy to introduce the updated and higher frequency Angels of Light Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Mister, including a new label. The essential oils have not changed. It still contains mostly lavender with a touch of orange and thyme essential oils. So I expected the scent to be the same… Hummm. It seems that the addition of Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence to the formula and Lemurian Seed Crystal and Angel Wing to the grid of crystals in which the formula is charged, has softened not only the feel but also the scent. So very nice!!!

  • Wrapped in Angel wings, let your spirit soar! Release from worry and fear. Feel lighthearted and grounded. Provides protection by strengthening your personal boundaries.
  • Helps children and adults relax into sleep. Clears away the cares of the day; relaxes your mind and body.
  • Effective during times of illness, dis-ease or exposure. Spray around your home. Carry with you on airplanes or in the hospital.
  • Great for massage therapists, other body workers and energy healers! Use between clients. Clears your room of energetic or emotional imprints or residue. Antimicrobial.
  • Clears an area in preparation for ceremony or celebration. Clears the area of energetic or emotional imprints or residue. Calls in the soft loving energies of the angelic and cosmic realms.

For more information about the Angels of Light Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister and the Angel Wing, Lemurian Seed Crystal, Amethyst and Drusy Quartz crystals that energetically charge it, go to the link below.

Since Michaelmas Daisy Essence is new to the formula, it is the featured essence this month.

» More information on Angels of Light Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Mister

Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence

Michaelmas Daisy is a native European aster that is now a garden favorite in North America. This lilac-colored aster blooms in the late summer and through early fall. It is named after Michaelmas, the September 29th holiday that honors Archangel Michael. Michaelmas Daisy is pollinated by bees, butterflies and moths and is a food plant for the larvae of many butterflies.

On the flower essence level, Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence is a wonderful ally when you want more open access to your angels and your higher consciousness, when you need reassurance that you are safe and loved. It aligns your heart, mind and consciousness, which supports clearer communication with your Higher Self and your angels. Like sensing angel wings wrapped around you, Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence instills a sense of peaceful calm and helps you feel protected and loved. It also carries a comforting tone that encourages you to speak more compassionately to your self and to others.

As Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM protected, loved and communicate compassionately.

For more information about Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – Amber, Amethyst, Angelite, Blue Kyanite, Drusy Quartz, Icosahedron Cut Quartz, Jeffrey Quartz, Rhodochrosite, and Silver Topaz – go to the link below.

» More information on Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at info@treefrogfarm.com.