We are all on a path towards spiritual awakening, raising our consciousness and vibrational awareness, and/or generally seeking to heal ourselves and move towards ascending into our Higher Heart of Unity Consciousness. It seems more so now than ever that a shift in human consciousness is happening; many who haven’t been able to see beyond the veil are awakening en masse. Others, including myself, have been experiencing bouts of rapid ascension for some years now, accompanied by feelings of immense euphoria for some, or an energetic drain known as an ‘ascention flu” for others.
The synchronicities, angel numbers appearing more frequently, are confirmation that we are on the right path to becoming our true and divine selves. The Great Divide, where the path before us splits into two, leaving us to choose which path to take forward, is part of our Spiritual Awakening. Those who are ready for this shift have a chance to shed old ways and limitations beforehand. March 21st marks a monumental moment for the future of all mankind. We have been experiencing these shifts for quite some time now, but the path we choose to take in the coming weeks will be a deeply personal and transformational decision. This isn’t a test, nor is there a wrong answer. You already know which direction to take and will most likely do so naturally, so this is not about worry. This is about opening up your higher heart chakra and beaming your love and light rather than settling into the lower vibrational realms of self-serving emotions and actions. Those who do not open their eyes and start to view the world through a lens of love rather than fear and greed will continue to experience more falling tower moments and won’t be able to see past the veil of deceit from their lower vibrational viewpoint.
When the Mayan calendar ended in 2012, while a significant moment and turning point for Humanity, it was not what we anticipated at the time it would be. This was still a sort of ‘time’s up!’ moment, but rather than the end, it was the beginning. The beginning of our path towards awakening, the Great Divide, and the shift into the new 5D. With political and social unrest, the dismantling of governments, and the collapse of financial structures within the old paradigm, these structures and institutions cannot be sustained in these higher frequencies. As we all bear witness to the systemic dismantling of outdated societal and structural systems we’ve outgrown, this steady shift has been evident within us through our global uprising. We must continue to align our energies with the new, higher energies. Like attracts like.
We have begun to see the world and the false reality built within it for what it truly is. This pivotal moment to choose your path is now. Light workers, healers, and those who receive communications from outer-dimentional beings that lovingly guide us towards ascending into our higher vibrational destiny are gifted this opportunity to sew the seeds of love into the fabric of all Humanity. Will we ascend into a higher state of consciousness and choose the path towards awakening, or will we fall back into the old paradigm, focused on fear and materialism with continued stagnation and limitation?
The specials we are featuring for March are flower essences and blends that will be valuable assets for anyone seeking to raise the collective vibration through their own higher heart and unity consciousness. They will be our allies and flower friends, helping us seed love within all of Humanity and into the new 5th-dimensional reality, leaving behind the crumbling 3D matrix. This process is necessary in order to rebuild. We have all been waiting for this! Know that we are here to realign all of Humanity with our true and divine nature.
With Love, Rhaychell