April 2010: Celebrating Our Mother Earth

Celebrate Earth Day with
Earth Month at Tree Frog Farm!

Celebrating Our Mother Earth

SalalHave you seen the movie Avatar?! Seeing Pandora and the plight of the Navi people cracked open my heart and mind even more to what is happening on Earth. The indigenous people and cultures of Earth are being ravaged. It is easy to think that what is happening to them doesn’t directly affect us. Yet all people, all life is indigenous to Earth. We are inherently interdependent with the ecosystems in which we live.

Avatar also stirred in me, and many others, an ancient memory of a time when Earth was like Pandora, our Eden. When humans lived as Nature, when we knew no difference. Over the ages we have evolved to see ourselves as separate from Nature, separate from Earth. However, we still live in Earth Mother’s womb – the ground on which we walk, the food we eat, the water we drink, the atmosphere we breathe and the electromagnetic fields that surround us. Unfortunately, few of us have been shown how to live in harmony with our Mother. Instead we pollute the source of our very existence. How strange!

So how can we honor Earth and create a healthy future for all life on Earth? The task can seem daunting. It is easy to take on the weight of the problems or to close down and refuse to feel the pain and disharmony. What works best for me and for other Earth-sensitive people I know is to celebrate life!! Live each moment with the intention to honor Mother Earth. Live simply and thoughtfully about how your actions affect others and Earth. Reduce, reuse, recycle, restore; eat organically and locally produced foods and much as possible; slow down; be kind to yourself, be kind to other people and animals; talk to plants, they love it!

Brooke Medicine Eagle says it so well!

Another key is remembering that we are Spirit having an Earth-based human experience. That isn’t always easy. Our Mother Earth is evolving and we are evolving. John and I have both found the Earth Keeper and Beauty Way Essence Blends to be wonderful allies as we chose to live openly, heartfully and intentionally in harmony with our Mother Earth. Salal flower essence is in both of these blends, and is the featured essence for April.

Salal Flower Essence

Salal is a common understory shrub in the North American Pacific Northwest coniferous forests. It grows from sea level to middle elevations, sometimes forming impenetrable thickets. Salal was an important food source for many First Peoples of the area. The dark juicy berries were eaten both fresh and dried into cakes, and were used to sweeten other foods and to thicken salmon eggs. Sometimes they were traded or sold.

Use Salal Flower Essence when you think that spiritual practices are more important than mundane activities, like washing dishes, gardening or taking kids to activities. Or when you get caught up in doing daily and “spiritual” activities and forget to feel the “spirit”, the beauty, the heartfullness and the joy underlying your actions. It is helpful when you are feeling rushed and looking forward to what is next instead of paying attention to what you are currently doing.

Salal Flower Essence helps you to remember that you are spirit having a human experience. That what you do is much less important than how you do it. Whether you are a fireman, nurse, yoga teacher, environmental activist, politician, student, mother or schoolteacher, the way you feel yourself, the way you connect with your inner spirit is vital to the quality of what you contribute to others. It is also vital to your light-hearted sense of wellbeing and spiritual process. Remember, being present and enjoying cooking a meal or taking a nap in the sunshine are spiritual activities. Go de-Light-fully through your day!

As Salal Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM beauty, presence and spirit in daily life activities.

For more information on Salal Flower Essence and the amber, cavansite, green tourmaline, moldavite and drusy quartz that energetically grounded this essence while it was being made, go to the link below.

» More information on Salal Flower Essence

Earth Keeper Essence Spray

Love Your Mother Earth! Earth Keeper supports living in sacred harmony with Nature and all Beings who are here on Earth. It encourages peacefully engaging life while actively living and working with the health of Earth in mind. It reminds us to honor each other and all creatures. Earth Keeper provides solace when you are weary of strife and destruction. It encourages a deep connection to your spiritual roots, and personal peace as you live with the wellbeing and sacredness of our planet in your heart. Earth Keeper is the yang to Beauty Way’s yin.

For more information on the Earth Keeper Essence Spray and the chysocolla, red aventurine, turquoise, variscite and drusy quartz gemstones that energetically grounded this blend, go to the link below.

» More information on Earth Keeper Essence Spray

Beauty Way Essence Spray

The chant “I walk with Beauty before me, behind me, above me, all around me” inspired the Beauty Way Essence Spray. This blend helps you to slow down, feel yourself, see the beauty in your surroundings, and remember that the energy with which you do a task is even more important than the task. It reminds you to tune into yourself and your natural rhythms, expressing your strength from your internal wisdom. Beauty Way encourages you to be gently grounded in your body and to look inside to find peace, sacredness and beauty. Let this spiritual practice inform the actions of your daily life and your work for our Mother Earth. Beauty Way is a gentle yet strong ally encouraging you to integrate these more compassionate qualities and strengths into your daily actions. Beauty Way is the yin to Earth Keeper’s yang.

For more information on the Beauty Way Essence Spray and the chrysophrase, sodalite, turquoise, variscite and drusy quartz gemstones that energetically grounded this blend, go to the link below.

» More information on Beauty Way Essence Spray

Using Earth Keeper and Beauty Way Essence Sprays

Living simply with an open heart for the health of our Earth can be challenging. I’ve heard from customers and healing practitioners how Earth Keeper and Beauty Way are helpful to transform grief and anger into peace and action. They are assisting people to relax, come to center and stay in their bodies during the radical shifts happening now.

When John or I see or hear news about climate disasters, wars, inequities, politics, genetically modified crops, and other heart wrenching things that affect Earth and her children, we reach for the Earth Keeper Essence Spray. John takes it with him to work at Hospice where he is the Bereavement Coordinator. Earth Keeper helps him stay grounded while providing compassionate care. I find it helpful when Earth’s electromagnetic fields and mine are both shifting and I become ungrounded, wobbly, disoriented or emotionally unbalanced. When either of us experience headaches related to Earth changes, the Earth Keeper Spray aligns us with Earth providing welcome relief.

Beauty Way is my ally when I get so wrapped up “doing” for the Earth that I lose touch with my Self. My nervous system gets overloaded resulting in jitteriness and irritability. I lose touch with my heart, become terse with people and try to force (instead of aligning and allowing) things to happen. Often I will spray Earth Keeper on my shoulders (carrying the weight of the world) or down the back of my spine, Beauty Way down the center front of my torso, and both in my mouth.

Animals are having difficulties adjusting to Earth changes, too. Dogs at a local doggie daycare recently started having behavior issues. The owner now sprays Earth Keeper into the common water bowl, and the dogs are able to settle down and be sociable again.

Please share with us how you use Earth Keeper and Beauty Way.

Earth Keeper and Beauty Way Essence Sprays can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it they made without essential oils. They are in a base of red shiso herb tea with organic white vinegar. (For more information about the red/shiso vinegar base see this article.) Spray around your body, into a glass of drinking water or directly into your mouth.

We’ve listed a few favorite Earth-friendly resources below. Hope you enjoy them. Happy Earth Month!

  • A Facebook group, Avatar $3 billion ~ Save Planet Earth, Share The Money!: As the futuristic Avatar film stuns us all, earning over $3 billion with a positive ecological message, support our movement for Avatar to donate money helping non-profit indigenous environmental groups protect planet Earth.
  • Altai Mir University operates primarily as a bridge between the Altai Republic of Russia, and Western Europe and North America. About 2,500 years ago, stone mounds called kurgans were built all across Central Asia. Ancient Altai wisdom holds that these kurgans balance the energy of the Earth. In the heart of the Altai, Tekpenek Mountain is a place that the local people call the “umbilicus of the Earth.” They believe that Cosmic energy feeds the living Earth at that place, and that the kurgans there have the particular function of channeling the Cosmic energy into the Earth. The function of these mounds is now being disrupted by Russian archeological excavation.
  • The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based initiative uniting millions of people in heart-focused care and intention, to shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.
  • YES! Magazine is an award-winning, ad-free, nonprofit publication that supports people’s active engagement in building a just and sustainable world.
  • The Gaian Tarot: Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves is an evocative and powerful tool for accessing inner guidance that speaks to the hearts of those who practice an earth-centered spirituality. In these days of environmental destruction and global climate change, the Gaian Tarot offers a vision of hope and healing.

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at info@treefrogfarm.com.