December 2007: Star of Light: Starflower

StarflowerLight comes from stars. They are the Universe’s power and light generators. We recognize this in our stories, like the wise men following a bright star to find the baby Jesus, and symbolize them with a star-shaped ornament on the top of the Christmas tree. It is the season to anticipate longer days of sunlight from our local star, to celebrate light overcoming darkness, by hanging strings of Solstice lights on a Yule tree or lighting the candles of a Hanukkah menorah. Yet all of these are representations of our internal light. Our bodies are made from stardust, literally. And our Higher Consciousness, our higher dimensional soul Self, feeds on the Light of the stars. We are star people. So this seems like an appropriate time to introduce the Starflower essence.

Star of Light: Starflower

Western Starflower is a beautiful ground cover plant that often carpets the ground around the base of trees. Elliptic-shaped leaves, usually 4 to 8, grow in a whorl around the top of the 3 to 4 inch thin stem. White to pink star-shaped flowers with 5 to 9 petals float on tiny stalks over the leaves.

On the flower essence level, Starflower helps you to remember that we are star people, higher dimensional souls living on Earth. It encourages you to experience that each moment your soul, your higher dimensional star Self, is infused through and around your body. It elevates your thinking from separation and disempowerment to soul manifesting in the material plane of Earth.

Though light, each of us is connected to the Universal Matrix. When we remember who we really are, creators and players of the Divine Universal Matrix, we will recreate empowered lives and co-create a peaceful world. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

As Starflower Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM star consciousness playing the Divine Matrix of reality.

» More information on Starflower Flower Essence

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