Open Sweet Hearted Calm
Although it’s midwinter on the calendar, the first signs of early spring are sprouting. It’s Imbloc, Candlemas, Brigid’s Day. As I sense the first hint of spring, my heart begins to open after a long winter rest. Still sometimes I find myself feeling grumpy, irritable, angry. The energies are shifting. I can feel it. Something is different this year. But I don’t feel fully aligned with this new wave yet. How does my heart open to this new feeling/sensing? How do I rest in the knowing that my heart’s purpose is opening to a deeper place? I don’t have all of the answers. Taking time to rest and meditate is helping. Drinking in the beauty of a sunlit early spring day inspires my heart to peel off its winter coat. And, of course, flower essences.
Blue Vervain has been a wonderful ally of mine recently. It is a key essence in both the Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the Gentle Heart Aromatherapy Mister. All of these are on special during February. As we approach Valentine’s Day, give yourself the valentine of aligning with your heart’s purpose and finding your inner calm. From here you can open your sweet heart to others.
Gentle Heart Aromatherapy Mister also makes a wonderful Valentine gift for your special someone.
Note on the photo: Aspen, the 2 3/4 year old golden retriever who calls us his people, wanted to send his love to all of you. The red “I love you” heart is one of his favorite toys. The crystals are from the essences on special this month. And the heart rock called to me a few days ago. Today it all came together in this photo.
InJoy, Diana

Blue Vervain Flower Essence
Blue Vervain grows wild in Europe, North Africa, China and Japan. It has long been used to treat anxiety and nervous exhaustion, and to improve digestion. Vervain relieves headaches including migraines related to the menstrual cycle.
On the flower essence level, Blue Vervain calms agitated outbursts of anger and bitterness. These emotions are often a secondary response to a misalignment between your heart and your life purpose. When your beliefs about yourself are not in agreement with what you chose as a soul to fulfill for this lifetime, an interference pattern is set up. This disrupts communication between your Higher Self, Emotional Self and Physical Self. This interference pattern lowers the hertz at which your body/mind resonates, leading to the angry, bitter, irritable emotional state, and a wide variety of physical illnesses. Blue Vervain Flower Essence disrupts the interference pattern and realigns the three selves. This shifts your emotional state to one of “sweet calm,” and provides the support system to reconnect your heart with your life purpose.
I AM sweet calm emanating from a heart aligned with my life purpose.
For more information about Blue Vervain Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence–amber, amethyst, blue quartz with blue tourmaline inclusions, blue topaz, icoshedron quartz, lapis, red jasper, sodalite and drusy quartz–go to the link below.
» More information on Blue Vervain Flower Essence
Gentle Heart Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister
Take your time with the Gentle Heart Mister. Pause and let the feeling of its sweet energy and rosey scent wash over you.
Gently balances, strengthens and opens your heart. Gives a gentle lift to your mood and spirit.
Encourages you to engage life from your heart. Helps to release emotional heart wounds.
Encourages you to express caring love for yourself and others.
Supportive after loss of a loved one. Comforting during times of grief and heartache.
For more information about the Gentle Heart Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister and the rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite and drusy quartz crystals that energetically charge it, go to the link below.
» More information on Gentle Heart Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister
Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend
The small intestine is the heart’s pair, the yang to the heart’s yin. It is the body’s alchemist. As one of the heart protectors, its job is sorting on all levels what is useless from what is useful, then absorbing and transforming it for your continued health. On the physical level, it governs sorting and assimilation of food. Emotionally it sorts for the heart, helping you to understand experiences and to determine healthy and appropriate relationships. Mentally it sorts ideas and thoughts to help you make clear choices.
Use Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have difficulty with sorting and assimilating food. An example would be food allergies. The small intestine meridian starts in the little finger, runs up the outside of the arm, through the shoulders, neck and jaw, into the check, then turns back and ends at the ear. When there is a small intestine imbalance, often the shoulders are pulled up and armored. Shoulder, arm and neck pain, TMJ, strokes, earaches and difficulty sorting sounds are typical symptoms. The main emotional pattern is a consistent problem discerning healthy relationships – whether family, lover, friend, or work. Sarcastic comments may cover up emotional confusion. Over analyzing information or situations and difficulty sorting ideas and setting priorities, especially between 1PM – 3PM, can lead to confused input that makes the decision-making and implementing jobs of the gallbladder more difficult.
The Small Intestine OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical small intestine and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend supports the healthy functioning of the small intestine as it sorts and transforms food, feelings and ideas into useful ingredients for the body/mind. Structurally, it encourages dissolving armoring in the arms, shoulders neck and jaw, leading to less constriction in these areas. Emotionally, it supports you to seek relationships that are supportive and nurturing to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Mentally, Small Intestine OEM Blend helps you to sort information to make better-informed choices. A healthy small intestine system encourages openhearted joy and clear respectful communication.
For more information about Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the carnelian, drusy quartz, fire agate, pink opaque calcite, rhodochrosite, and rose quartz crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend
In this season of Love, align yourself with your heart’s purpose and find your inner calm – the best valentine you can give to yourself. From here you can open your sweet valentine heart to others.
» More information on Monthly Specials
We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at