Bring Me A Higher Love
I’ve loved this song since it first came out. I was in a spiritual community for 12 years. The last 6 years, 1990 to 1996, we would have dance parties Friday nights as part of our preparation for ultra-marathon runs on Sundays. Dancing to this song aligned me with the higher energies that I used for fuel during those 7-hour runs. Spirituality doesn’t have to be serious. Part of connecting to the Universal Higher Heart energies is heartful play, heartful love. This Valentine’s Day let it rip! Dance up a storm with the love of your life, whether that is your spouse, lover, child, friend, or yourself.
This month I’m featuring essences that can free up your Heart and Higher Heart. Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend enlivens your heart and pericardium meridians as well as your heart and higher heart chakras. The Gentle Heart Essence and Aromatherapy Mister, with its rosy and citrusy scent, will set the mood for open-hearted play. Nootka Rose Flower Essence has a major influence in both blends. Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose is a key essence in the Pericardium OEMB and is a wonderful complement to the Gentle Heart Mister.
InJoy, Diana

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose Flower Essence
Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose is a beautiful silvery pink rose from Jackson and Perkins Company. It is named for the Patron Saint of the Americas who made roses spring from the frozen soil of a mountaintop as a sign of hope for her people.
On the flower essence level, Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose Flower Essence operates through the Heart and Higher Heart chakras to gently calm the nervous system and facilitate the integration of higher love frequencies into your physical body at a rate that you can handle. Encourages you to keep your heart and higher heart chakras open even if the intensity of these feelings is unfamiliar or overwhelming.
I AM conductor and regulator of love, through the heart and higher heart, as it seats into your physical form.
For more information about Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose Flower Essence and the amber, cherry quartz, danburite, drusy quartz, herkimer diamond, icoshedron quartz, morganite, nirvana quartz, Peruvian opal, pink Lemurian seed crystal, pink tourmaline & quartz, rhodochrosite and rose quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, go to the link below.
» More information on Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose Flower Essence
Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend
The heart is the most vital and sensitive organ in your body. Besides pumping blood, it generates the majority of the electromagnetic energy in the fields surrounding the body. The heart is the home of Spirit and is the center of creative expression. The pericardium is the physical sack around the heart. It is filled with a fluid that lubricates and protects the physical heart from bumps and shocks. Most energy healing systems do not approach the heart directly, but work through one of the heart protectors first. That is why our blend combines Pericardium with Heart.
Symptoms: Use Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have blood circulation problems, pericardium issues or heart-burn. Helpful when you feel heart-broken, try too hard to gain attention or feel distant and dead inside. Lack of joy and passion for life, being a workaholic or lethargic are indicators. Having difficulty being in your body, confusion about personal boundaries, and being sexually shut down or overactive in place of healthy relationships, especially if there have been sexual violations.
NOTE: This formula may be too strong for people who have had heart attacks or heart palpitations. Please use the Small Intestine or Triple Burner formulas instead.
Action: The Pericardium Heart OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that support physical pericardium and heart functions and with the energy circuits that connect you with Spiritual heart energies through the heart and higher heart chakras. This formula strengthens your heart’s ability to generate electromagnetic fields. It supports having appropriate personal and sexual boundaries and loving respectful relationships. The Pericardium Heart blend encourages being fully embodied while joyfully and playfully circulating your creative gifts in the world. It emboldens being consciously awake with the gleam of spiritual life-force shining through your eyes.
For more information about the Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, golden topaz, green heulandite, nirvana quartz, pink sapphire, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend
Nootka Rose Flower Essence
Nootka Rose is a native to the North American Pacific Northwest. It grows 3-9 feet tall and has 5-petaled fragrant pink flowers in early summer. Its large round red-orange hips are high in vitamin C and can be used in teas. Some indigenous people ate the tender shoots in spring and placed rose leaves in cooking pots to keep the food from burning and for flavor. Nootka rose grows in moist soils in sunny locations and provides both food and shelter for birds and beneficial insects.
On the flower essence level, Nootka Rose Flower Essence opens and connects your heart chakra with the World Heart and the Universal Heart. The World Heart emanates from the collective heart consciousness of all living Beings seen and unseen that live on Earth. The Universal Heart emanates from all directions of space and time, from All-That-Is. Nootka Rose Essence works through your personal emotional subtle body to clear out whatever is keeping you from connecting your personal heart with the World and Universal Hearts. This connection enriches your relationships with loved ones, friends, your Self, Nature and All Beings. Open your heart and Love Life!
I AM awakening of Divine Love in your life.
For more information about Nootka Rose Flower Essence and the amber, garnet, icosahedron quartz, rhodonite, rose quartz, ruby and drusy quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, go to the link below.
» More information on Nootka Rose Flower essence
Gentle Heart Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister
For this Valentine’s Day, treat your loved one and yourself to a gentle-hearted gift. Love the scent – rosey with a touch of citrus!
- Gently balances, strengthens and opens your heart. Gives a gentle lift to your mood and spirit.
- Encourages you to engage life from your heart. Helps to release emotional heart wounds.
- Aligns your heart with the Spiritual Heart of the Universe. Opens and connects your heart chakra with the collective heart consciousness of all living Beings.
- Encourages you to express caring love for yourself and others.
- Supportive after loss of a loved one. Comforting during times of grief and heartache.
Flower Essences:
Nootka Rose – Let Divine Love blossom in your life through aligning your heart with the World Heart and the Universal Heart.
Kinnikinnik – Encourages you to gently snuggle into open-hearted love for yourself.
Blue Vervain – Transforms bitterness and anger into sweet calm.
Woodland Strawberry – Helps to clear negative thinking, worry and anxiety.
Essential Oils:
Rose Geranium – Exudes a light aroma of roses and gives a gentle lift to the body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Melissa – Reduces stress and anxiety, relaxing, promotes restful sleep, mood uplifting.
Citronella – Purifying, vitalizing, repels negative energy.
For more information about Gentle Heart and the drusy quartz, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, and rose quartz crystals that energetically charge it, go to the link below.
» More information on Gentle Heart Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister
Connect with your Higher Heart Love, share it with others, and have a blast!
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We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us