Engage and Enliven Your Life! – Set of 6 Essences
The six essences in this set work together to remind you that, regardless of circumstances, you can engage in life with lighthearted joy, gratitude, curiosity, and wonder. These essences will support feeling your deepest emotions within these circumstances while staying in touch with your true spiritual self and enjoying life with the playful innocence of a child.
This set and the essences in it will be on special through the weekend. Save 15% now through Monday!
With love, Rhaychell
When a process or stages of development feel like they will never end, transforms the disheartened malaise of joyless stress into engaging life with curiosity, enthusiasm, and deep stillness. Releases feeling responsible for things over which you have little control.
Oceanspray Flower Essence
Supports connecting with your lighthearted, jubilant Presence to resolve the undertow of sorrow below the illusion of calm and tranquility.
Fairy Rose Flower Essence
Enliven your transformational process through conscious Divine play with friends of Light.
Devil’s Club Flower Essence
Provides support and comfort when life’s experiences have drained your inspiration and will to continue. Transforms thorns into a healing balm and reconnects you to your spiritual roots.
Thimbleberry Flower Essence
Cultivates engaging daily life with joy and gratitude without being attached to the circumstances or a specific outcome.
Pink Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence
Restores childlike joy, playfulness, innocence, and openness. Inspires feeling enthralled with the magic in each moment. Encourages focusing on what is fun, happy, and what feels good instead of what is wrong or might happen.
Flower and Tree Essences
~ In Partnership with Nature ~
3679 Sunrise Road
Lummi Island, WA 98262