Box Set Savings! Get the newest box set, or pick up a set for yourself or a loved one this holiday! Flash Sale ends on Monday, but more products are being put on special now until December 16th, which is the last day to order if you want your essences and blends arrive in time for the Holidays. Pick Priority mail to ensure it gets there before December 24th.
Click the individual essence name to go to the essence page. Click the link bar to go to the box set page to learn more or to purchase. The new box set is on special, as are each essence individually in this set. The other Box Sets are on special as such, from now until Monday, so get them while they are at this price! Our chakra sets and all chakra blends are on special through December. Click the Monthly Special Link to see all our current specials. Don’t forget! We also have gift certificates available from $25 to $500. They never expire either, so give the gift of flower essences this year.
Happy Yule – Rhaychell
The essences of this set work together to help you confidently bring joy and gratitude into your life. They help strip away any barriers you may harbor that have been in the way of living confidently and graciously, and create appropriate boundaries from which to engage in daily life or new adventures with joy. Breathe in and fill your heart with love, encourage joy, gratitude, and confidence within yourself, and shift the way you interact with other people in your daily life.
Essences In This Set:
Paper Birch Tree Essence: Peel away old energetic layers to reveal your True Nature – Love and Joy. Let the fullness of sunshine radiate around you activating spontaneous de-light! Integrates emotional stability.
Thimbleberry Flower Essence: Cultivates engaging daily life with joy and gratitude without being attached to the circumstances or a specific outcome.
Golden Celebration Rose Flower Essence: Illumines a column of golden light through the center of your body, creating protection and joy from the inside out. This essence helps create a safe place for the emotional heart to re-engage in life with enthusiasm. Now, Celebrate Life!
Hardy Fuchsia Flower Essence: Breathe in universal joy through your heart and breathe out your heartfelt joy. Reawakens “heartapathic” communication by realigning with the resonance of the heart’s electromagnetic field to transform heart experience imprints that no longer serve you.
Coltsfoot Flower Essence: Encourages unbridled joy for new adventures and challenging situations with physical stamina and vitality. Access multidimensional guidance to focus this exuberant energy.
Crocosmia Flower Essence: Inspires playful confidence with self and others. Encourages playfully engaging your emotional strength, power, and will to express yourself confidently with enthusiasm
The flower essences in the Harmonious set work together to facilitate integration among all levels of your body and mind. These essences harmoniously interface and communicate with alternate dimensions of the Earth and Cosmos. These essences offer the support you need to help your evolutionary/spiritual growth processes go smoothly during the intense shifts happening now and to follow in the coming years.
Essences In Harmonious Integration:
Pathfinder Flower Essence: Correlates the link between the Earth’s energy meridians, the human body’s organ energy meridians, and the cosmic pathways of light and sound.
Garry Oak Tree Essence: Ancient wisdom for knowing how to journey through, operate in alternate dimensions in a healthy and cohered way, and return to ordinary reality with ease. It aligns with the current energetic shifts and helps support multidimensional experiences.
Hot Tamale Rose Essence: Keeps you centered amid chaos while riding the transformational roller coaster. Time-coded to adjust to the increasing frequencies and help integrate these new frequencies now and beyond with ease.
The Empowerment flower essence set encourages you to speak your voice, step out of habits that don’t support your true being, and have compassion for yourself during this process.
Essences In Empowerment:
Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence: Supports compassion for yourself during challenging or stressful situations. It Aids the process of shifting from wanting to change another person or situation to realizing you can only change yourself and your reactions to situations.
Trailing Blackberry Flower Essence: With an open heart, joyfully serve yourself and others through compassionately speaking the full conviction of your perceived truth.
Stinging Nettle Flower Essence: Support for coming out of the fog of living in a way that can’t support our true Being. Aids in making clear choices, especially about changing your relationship to toxic situations.
The six essences in this set work together to assist your nervous system and whole body to peacefully and authentically engage in life during these tumultuous, transformative times. They help you stay grounded, relaxed, and at home in your body.
Essences In This Set:
Pacific Dogwood Tree Essence: Installs an upgraded blueprint for the nervous system to accommodate higher frequencies. This calms the sense of “shattering” when experiencing sudden spiritual growth spurts.
Pennyroyal Flower Essence: Cycles through the fight/flight/freeze response and retrains your nervous system to support your higher purpose.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose Flower Essence: Calibrates the unfolding of the Higher Heart chakra as it begins to operate as a conductor of higher frequency heart energy into your physical body.
Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence: Supports a deep-body feeling of who you are and are not. Retrains the nervous system towards peacefully engaging life.
Hot Tamale Rose Flower Essence: Centeredness amid chaos while riding the transformational roller coaster. Time-coded to support your body/mind as you adjust to shifting frequencies.
Goat’s Beard Flower Essence:: Supports being an open-hearted, grounded, and relaxed human-animal, easily handling the flow of daily happenings.
Subconscious patterns can get in the way of what we want to accomplish. Habitual behaviors that are self-defeating or overachieving, such as attitudes toward work or school, can stop a project or process before it starts. These patterns often play out in emotional states such as fear of failure, resentment of others’ success, repetitive toxic relationship situations, or constant worry about money matters. Underlying these subconscious patterns could be reactionary from trauma, including soul loss, which is vitally important to address to live your fullest potential in this lifetime.
These six essences are your allies while shifting old patterns holding you back from reaching new potential. Having the opportunity to learn from these profoundly transformative teaching moments can provide the key to unlocking new opportunities and assist in your expansion into a higher state of consciousness.
Yellow Day Lily Essence: Assists you in correcting misalignments that lead to out-of-balance emotional states. It orients you to the para-sympathetic nervous system so you can be nourished and comforted by the sweetness of life. Relax into these feelings and sunny warmth. Let them nourish and soothe you!
Essences In This Set:
Woodland Strawberry Essence: Surrender to life’s situations from an emotionally stable place of calm acceptance instead of worrying yourself to exhaustion and tears by wanting to create certainty in an uncertain world. Supports thinking clearly and feeling authentically.
Wild Ginger Essence: Transforms a whirl of chaotic emotions into engaging life from a calm and emotionally stable heart.
Burdock Essence: Releases stuck, suppressed anger embedded deep in your body and energy fields from both present and past life experiences. Detoxifying.
Mock Orange Essence: Rhythmically releases emotional residue from your cells, then rewrites your cellular energetic patterning to align with new healthier emotional states.
Black Hellebore Essence Supports the preparation, process, and integration of soul retrieval for this lifetime, past lifetimes, and concurrent lifetimes on higher frequency dimensions.
This Aromatherapy & Flower Essence Mister is only available during the Holiday Season. Made with the highest quality essential oils of Allspice, Juniper, Western Red Cedar, Bitter Orange, Frankincense, and Vetiver. Purchase while supplies last.
For more information about Yuletide Blessings click the link below.
*Please Note* If the temperatures in your area are freezing or below, your essences could freeze and bottles break. It will be helpful for us to know if you will be home to receive your package, or if we need to have the post office hold it for you to pick up. Please write any special delivery instructions in the comments when you make your order. Thank You!
Flower and Tree Essences
~ In Partnership with Nature ~
3679 Sunrise Road
Lummi Island, WA 98262
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