Flash Sale – Manifest Your Potential Box Set


The Summer season so far has been busy, and the temperature – though enjoying the blue skies, has been hot! It can become exhausting to continue on living in a way that is not best suited to help us get to where we would like to be in the future. Realities and timeline jumps seem to be coming at us with more quickness as we collectively begin to manifest a better world together and in greater numbers. (Hot Tamale Rose flower essence is such a welcomed helper right now, as is Michaelmas Daisy flower essence!)

One powerful tool we have within is our ability to channel our inner reflection. This allows us to identify what is holding us back, and provides an opportunity to take the necessary steps to overcome any obstacles perceived in order to achieve our desired goals.

Subconscious patterns can prevent us from accomplishing what we envision for ourselves in the future. Our emotional state plays a significant role in our lives, and if we have been struggling with negative emotions such as fear, resentment, jealousy, or worry for example, this could be hindering the process. It’s important to address these patterns.

You are a divine being with immense potential, and by embracing your inner reflection you can create the life you have always envisioned for yourself with ease and clarity.

The six essences in the Manifest Your Potential box set can help you gain a clear picture of the steps needed to get to where you desire your life to be in the coming months. Release what is making your life seem hindered and use that cleared space to manifest the life you want to be living with spiritually aligned intention.

Wishing You Many Blessings – Rhaychell


Clary Sage Essence – Assists clearly envisioning what you want for your life, the next step, or a project. Supports receiving psychic impressions and interpreting them through the brain and heart into seeing, hearing, sensing, or knowing.

As Clary Sage Says of Itself: I AM clearly envisioning a heart-attuned and Spirit-guided life.


Stinging Nettle Essence – Support for coming out of the fog of living in a way that can’t support our true Being. Aids in making clear choices, especially about changing your relationship to toxic situations.

As Stinging Nettle Says of Itself: I AM clear-minded, heart-centered, and make healthy decisions about life choices.


Hawthorn Tree Essence – Shape-shift your creative process! When blocks and slowdowns get in your way, stay with the process instead of falling into anger and confusion. Use the magic of clear, spiritually aligned intention to create exactly what you want to happen.

As Hawthorn Tree Says of Itself: I AM spiritually aligned intention to create my highest potential in life.


Camas Lily Essence – Speak what you want to create! Supports intentionally using your thoughts and voice to create what you want when manifesting a meaningful and potent life for yourself.

As Camas Lily Says of Itself: I AM intentional thoughts and words aligned with Guidance to create and manifest.


Oregon Grape Essence – Releases the habit of valuing yourself in relation to what you think others think of you. Open yourself up to accepting your true unique nature and power.

As Oregon Grape Says of Itself: I AM simply myself engaged in expressing my Being.


Western Columbine Essence – Increases optimism for living, supports building self-confidence, impulses making changes in your life, and encourages living an engaged and competent life. 

As Western Columbine Says of Itself: I AM visceral body confidence for living a fully engaged and competent life. I express my feelings with genuine confidence.


Flower and Tree Essences

~ In Partnership with Nature ~

3679 Sunrise Road Lummi Island, WA 98262



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