Flash Sale – The Power of Thought – Vibration Changes Everything

The Power of Thought: Vibration Changes Everything

Your thoughts are a vibration, everything around us has a vibration. And just as like attracts like, vibrations attract to you more of the same. The law of attraction is something we all are familiar with. We know, but sometimes we need a little reminder to put it into practice! Just as easy as it is to fall into feelings of uncertainty with the state of the world, and despair for the future of our planet and every living thing here, it is just as easy to raise your vibration.The single best thing you can do right now to make a difference within the collective of human consciousness is to raise your vibration.

Here are a few ways that you can instantly shift your world through raising your vibration:

Gratitude. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to raise your vibration. Look around you and find something that makes you feel good, that you are grateful for! Make this a daily habit.

Love. Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being. Be loving. Follow your heart. Be with those you love, and if you aren’t able to in that moment visualize your loved one and imagine giving them a big hug. It will feel a noticeable shift within you.

Generosity. Share. If you have a full cup and see another not as fortunate, you can raise your vibration with your act of generosity. You can be generous with money by donating or you can find what you have an abundance of and see where you can share with another who may be in need. Clothing, books, food…there is an infinite number of ways to be generous. Give from your heart. It feels great, I promise!

Be Positive. Transform your vibe simply by thinking and speaking more positively. Try to change your spectrum of thoughts from defeat and disdain to courage and admiration. Look on the bright side! It can make those rain clouds disappear.

Be Mindful. Meditation and breath work do wonders for our systems. If you can calm your mind and regulate your breathing for even 10 min a day, it is life transforming. Try to fit this into your daily routine.

Self Care. This one might be under the umbrella of love, but self care is so important. We tend to let ourselves be pushed to the side when it comes to taking care of those we love, but wear yourself too thin and you won’t be able to do anything much for any one, least not yourself. Go for a walk in nature, take a bath, read a book that interests you, take a class, create your space to meditate. Smile. Smile starting from the inside so every cell in your body smiles until it reaches your face. Let that smile shine on.

I’ll share some Gratitude to start!

I am grateful for this perfect flower essence-making weather! And, for Stu who is remaking our Chamomile essence today while I tend to the office, sending out our weekend flash sale newsletter, and our children’s activities. I am grateful for Diana and all the love, dedication, and sharing of her knowledge she gave us so that we could be here now sharing with others! Thank you.

In Gratitude, Rhaychell

Don’t Wait!

This Flash Sale runs through the weekend and ends on Monday!

Foxglove Flower Essence


Foxglove (Digitalis Purpurea) – All that you experience is for learning. Inoculate the seed of the Higher Heart by practicing forgiveness. Then, jumpstart the Higher Heart through connecting with the primordial unconditional fire of Love, and of Creation.

Borage Flower Essence


Borage Essence (Borago Officinalis) -transforms deep-seated sorrow, bitterness, and blame as they pass through the heart and higher heart chakras, then flows effortlessly pouring forth from your Throat chakra as heart-centered conscious speech imbued with Divine power. Borage Flower Essence shifts a tendency of being self-focused toward being more caring towards other people who are also experiencing difficulties.

Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence

Pacific Bleeding Heart

Pacific Bleeding Heart (Dicentra Formosa) – Supports compassion for yourself and others as challenging situations unfold. Engenders compassion to see how your mind interprets stories of your life and how this affects your actions. Wrap yourself in the pink light of Divine Love, let go of any fear, and be safely at peace in your Heart’s Home.

Woodland Strawberry Flower Essence

Woodland Strawberry

Woodland Strawberry (Fragaria Vesca) – Surrender to life’s situations from an emotionally stable place of calm acceptance instead of worrying yourself to exhaustion and tears by wanting to create certainty in an uncertain world. Supports thinking clearly and feeling authentically.

Starflower Flower Essence


Starflower (Trientalis Latifolia) – Remember you are a multi-dimensional soul having a human experience. Starflower Essence is also helpful when you get caught in the disempowering stories of your life and forget that you can align with the Divine Matrix to create your reality. When we remember who we really are, we will recreate empowered lives and co-create a peaceful world.

Meadow Rue Flower Essence

meadow rue

Meadow Rue (Thalictrum aquilegifolium) – Meadow Rue Flower Essence helps you reorient your life stories from a place of higher consciousness. You are your stories, beliefs, and the physical expression of your life stories. Step out of your habitual ways of orienting to life and reframe your stories to support your healing and spiritual growth.

Flower and Tree Essences

~ In Partnership with Nature ~

3679 Sunrise Road

Lummi Island, WA 98262



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