You’ve probably heard that saying “smiles are contagious”. It’s a simple act that can make a huge impact. You brighten someone’s day and they, in turn, do the same for someone else. Any sort of kindness goes a long way. When someone does something generous or kind for you, do you remember to pay it forward?
Love and compassion play a huge part in making the world a better place for us all. Start small and work your way towards omitting your loving vibe outward. You will be amazed at how the world changes! Do something kind for yourself or someone you love, let that grow into helping out a stranger or a neighbor. Giving is a gift.
The 8 essences featured in this weekend’s flash sale have a common thread of love. I was really touched to see this come up when I did my intuitive choosing last evening. There is so much suffering and sadness happening in the world right now, we can all use a little love and kindness. To be kind to not only others but also to ourselves. This is where it should start after all! Be supportive of peaceful change. Let the things that you cannot change be the reason for the change within yourself. Want to do your part to make the world a better place but do not know where to begin? Start here.
Love, Light, and Gratitude, Rhaychell
Oceanspray Flower Essence

Oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor) – Supports connecting with your light-hearted, jubilant Presence to resolve the undertow of grief and heartache below the illusion of calm and tranquility.
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Cottonwood Tree Essence

Cottonwood Tree (Populus trichocarpa) – Effortlessly radiate and be Love. Spread seeds of Love to the world. Grow the tree of Love by looking deep into the swampy waters of your unloved emotions to heal them with the warmth of your Sun, your Higher Consciousness. Inspires heartful harmony between species.
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Thimbleberry Flower Essence

Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus) – Cultivates engaging daily life with joy and gratitude without being attached to the circumstances or a specific outcome.
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Rosemary Flower Essence

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) – Live life with zest! Increases your physical vitality, emotional balance, and grounded enthusiasm for life. Encourages a calm knowing that Earth is your home this lifetime.
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Crocosmia Flower Essence

Crocosmia(Crocosmia masoniorum) – Encourages you to playfully engage in your emotional strength, power, and will to express yourself confidently, and with enthusiasm.
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Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence

Clustered Wild Rose (Rosa pisocarpa) – Engenders strong, compassionate, heartfelt, directed, and soft feminine energy. Supports the collective world consciousness to embody a more gentle, compassionate way of life.
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Salal Flower Essence

Salal (Gaultheria shallon) – Walk the beauty way. Enlivens experiencing beauty, presence, and equanimity, which enhances your sense of well-being. Radiate this beauty and peaceful equanimity to others in everything you do. Go de-Light-fully through your day.
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Orange Honeysuckle Essence