We all experience something extra during this time of year – whether it be a sense of renewal, a desire to achieve certain goals we set for ourselves in the coming year, inner reflection, or even worry or sorrow. One can feel a wide range of emotions when we embark upon a new year and enter into a new decade. This is why we are highlighting our Life Process Flower Essence Blends. Each of these blends has been helpful for me, so after discussing it with the team, we decided to put our Process Blends on Special through the end of the year. We are highlighting three individual essences: Red Clover Flower Essence, Peace Rose Flower Essence, and Cooley’s Hedge Nettle.
We wanted to share with you some insight on how each one can be helpful during times of powerful transitioning and transformation. The intention is key when using flower essences. Bring in the new year with intention! Manifest what you want for your life in the coming year. Create a sacred space for your meditation room. Clear your mind and center yourself to be clear about your intentions and let go of worry. We are all spirits having a human experience. Be kind to yourself and each other.
Happy New Year!
In Joy and Gratitude – Rhaychell
PS Diana is taking a little time away from writing our newsletters, so she has asked me if I would like to have a hand at it. 🙂
PSS All of our Aromatherapy products will remain on special through the end of the year. Enjoy the scents!
Beauty Way Essence Blend
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
Helps you to slow down, feel yourself, see the beauty in your surroundings. Live in that space of balance and harmony. Beauty Way is about being internal, reflective and receptive.
Integrating spirit and life!
For more information about Beauty Way Essence Blend click on the picture.
Calm Centered Clear Essence Blend
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
The essences in Calm Centered Clear work together to help you learn new information quickly and integrate higher energy frequencies that are being downloaded now.
Remain calm, embodied and at ease with yourself during this process!
For more information about Calm Centered Clear Essence Blend click on the picture.
Manifest Essence Blend
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
Envision and imagine from a place of higher consciousness. Sometimes your conscious mind isn’t aware of the bigger picture that your higher dimensional aspects are in the process of revealing.
Create what you want to manifest!
For more information about Manifest Essence Blend click on the picture.
No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
The No Worry Be Happy blend brings you back to your multidimensional heart while calming your mind and reconnecting you to your inner knowing.
Encourages emotional balance and feeling at ease with yourself and your experiences!
For more information about No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend click on the picture.
Sacred Energies Essence Blend
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
The flower essences of Sacred Energies set a high frequency resonance that connects you with your multi – dimensional self.
Facilitate spiritually aligned healing and healthy living!
For more information about Sacred Energies Essence Blend click on the picture.
Spiritual Spine Essence Blend
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
Spiritual Spine is a paradigm shifter!
This blend gives you the gumption and will to move ahead and do what needs to be done. Seeing beyond illusions.
A wonderful ally during rapid spiritual growth to help you stay committed to the process!
For more information about Spiritual Spine Essence Blend click on the picture.
Transform Ease Essence Blend
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
Facilitates transformational life processes – such as rapid spiritual growth, healing deep life learning experiences, and other significant changes.
Emotional and Metabolical ease when ajusting to higher frequencies!
For more information about Transform Ease Essence Blend click on the picture.
S.O.S Flower Remedy
$20.25 $18.02
1 oz (30 mL)bottle
SOS (Shock Or Stress) is helpful when an old trauma becomes reactivated either from a similar experience or during a healing process.
Ease in coming back into yourself during times of spiritual overexpansion!
For more information about SOS Flower Remedy essence blend click on the picture.
Red Clover Flower Essence
$12.95 $11.01
1/2 oz (15 mL) bottle
Supports your transition into more expanded states of consciousness.
Red Clover Flower Essence works to assist in transforming lower frequency emotions, such as anger, fear, impatience or other negative emotional states.
As you walk through the threshold of expanded consciousness, transform lower frequency emotions that stand in your way of progressing with ease!
For more information about Red Clover Flower Essence click on the picture.
Peace Rose Flower Essence
$12.95 $11.01
1/2 oz (15 mL) bottle
Peace Rose Essence assists in the transition from feeling a deep sense of loss, grief, and anger to one of peace. It encourages you to open your heart and reorient toward love, joy, and deep peace.
Let anger and fear from a physical or emotional injury melt away!
For more information about Peace Rose Flower Essence click on the picture.
Cooley’s Hedge Nettle Flower Essence
$12.95 $11.01
1/2 oz (15 mL) bottle
Cooley’s Hedge Nettle Essence works in the etheric energy field to initiate the process of the endocrine system coming into balance. Emotionally, mentally and spiritually, it invites you to connect with your highest consciousness when sorting and digesting experiences.
Offers a playful reminder that we are all Spirit having a Human experience!
For more information about Cooley’s Hedge Nettle Flower Essence click on the picture.