It is not very often we experience a White Christmas on Lummi Island, or in WA state, but this year, we did. I can’t help but smile and feel like Diana may have had a hand in it. Snow on Christmas for the kids added to the magic of the day, but so the next week, the snow kept falling. The last of it fell the evening before Diana’s service, making plans seem hard to commit to for those who would need to travel to attend. Despite the winter storm warning the evening before and the 5 new inches of snow on the ground, the sky was sunny, clear, and blue, a staunch change from the night of howling wind and the trees creaking back and forth on their frozen roots. I spent much of that night unable to sleep and reading Rumi poems in the dark, hoping one would be chosen to be read at the service.
There was a random book I pulled off my shelf the day before, the title, Her Strange Angels, caught my eye, and the first page I read struck a chord, so I read the first poem from it. Something strange happened and a divine message came in the form of a pristine black raven feather in the middle of the book I read during her service. I knew for certain this wasn’t there yesterday or while I rummaged through it skimming the pages the night before. The most incredible part was the poem the feather was bookmarking. It was a poem about dying and being reborn. This was something truely confirming that she was, indeed, sending messages that she was well and good.

The second mystery was in the form of a photo slide with 4 pictures on our website. I knew this was not something I had added to the top of this page. I was baffled to find that I had been the only person to access this page recently….so I felt perplexed. When I mentioned it to John, asking if maybe he, or someone else had put them there as a tribute to the freshly fallen snow, and Diana, he was just as puzzled and in awe, not knowing how or why, but believing it could very well be what it seemed! You can see the slide show here.
I was comforted by these strange little messages.
Red-flowering current is a key essence in both Organ Energy Meridian Blends. Black Gooseberry is a key essence in the Kidney Blend, and Comfrey essence is in both Kidney and the Bladder Organ Meridian Energy Blends.
With Love and Healing Light,
Water Element: Winter

Water is the primal mother of organic life. It is wet, fluid, takes the shape of its container, and conducts electricity. Humans are about 80% water. We need to stay hydrated so our blood, lymph, digestive, excretion, and nervous systems can function properly. In reference to the Chinese Five Element Theory, the water element rules the lymph and immune systems, bones, and central nervous system, including the brain and adrenal glands. An imbalanced water system contributes to a lack of flow in thoughts and feelings. It is associated with the subconscious mind and the emotion of fear. The season of the water element is winter, and the colors are blue/black.
Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The kidney organ energy system is the yin to the bladder’s yang. It is the source and storehouse of the physical life force, chi. Bones and the lymphatic system are ruled by the kidney system. Bone marrow produces white and red blood cells and lymphocyte cells that support the immune system. The kidneys purify the blood.
The kidney system holds the memory of family lineage trauma. Fear and shock are the emotional responses most associated with the kidney system. Adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and produce adrenaline that participates in the body’s fight/flight/freeze response and cortisol that stimulates stress. Long-term adrenaline and cortisol overproduction, partly brought on by chronic fear, can lead to adrenal burnout and chronic fatigue. The kidney meridian is most active from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Symptoms: Use Kidney Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience reoccurring kidney stones or diseases, shock and fear, panic attacks, adrenal depletion, chronic fatigue, or frequently feel wired-tired. A person with kidney system imbalance often lacks will, motivation, or resilience. Contributes to edema and autoimmune responses.
Action: The Kidney OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical kidney and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend activates the immune system and calms the adrenal glands. It shifts fear to confidence, will, and motivation, and shock into resilience. The Kidney OEM Essence Blend restores access to the source of your physical life force.
For more information about the Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Blend, and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it, click HERE.
Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The bladder organ energy system (bladder system) is the yang to the kidney’s yin. Physically, the bladder is the reservoir for fluids waiting to be excreted. Energetically, it is the container for the power of the kidneys and reservoir for daily energy. It supports the immune system and encourages you to pace yourself and rest so you don’t deplete your energy supply. The bladder system relates to the central nervous system including the brain, the emotion of fear, and personal trauma. The meridian is most active from 3 pm to 5 pm.
Symptoms: Use Bladder Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience headaches, back problems, or urinary problems including excessive urination and leaking. Symptoms of bladder system imbalance are a tendency to overexert, unable to complete things due to lack of energy, being inflexible, and fear as a response to life. A deep need to control your environment from not being able to protect yourself or someone else during the experience of trauma is another expression of Bladder System imbalance.
Actions: The Bladder Meridian Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical bladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend supports the healthy functioning of the physical bladder and the immune system. It balances the central nervous system, and the amygdala (fear center) of the brain, encouraging a shift from fear-based existence to living with the sustained energy, confidence, adaptability, and flexibility needed to fully engage in daily life.
For more information about the Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend, and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it, click HERE.
Red-flowering Currant Flower Essence

Red-flowering Currant Flower Essence brings to awareness deep known and unknown fear, engenders forgiveness and compassion for yourself and whatever is triggering the fear response, then transforms the fear into feeling safe, protected, and full of Light. It encourages you to joyfully and confidently engage life with the understanding that this transformative process is in alignment with your soul’s purpose.
As Red-flowering Currant Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM the loving power to transform in yourself that which you most fear.
For more information about Red-flowering Currant Flower Essence and the Amber, Amethyst, Angelite, Drusy Quartz, Icosahedron Cut Quartz, Pink Sapphire, Rhodochrosite, and White Moonstone crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click HERE.
Comfrey Flower Essence

Comfrey creates a sense of comfort and solace for your soul. It magnetically reconnects soul parts that split off during trauma or shock and lovingly invite them back by creating a safe haven for their return. This includes soul parts that split off during this lifetime or previous lifetimes that did not come into this life with the soul at birth. Comfrey essence also works through the root chakra to influence the body to rebuild cellular structures that support your continued healing and growth and with the heart chakra for gentle self-compassion. Comfrey Flower Essence encourages feeling emotionally and physically safe and engenders tenderness, compassion, and joy during this deep healing process.
As Comfrey flower essence says of itself:
I AM comfort and solace for your soul during your deep healing process.
For more information about Comfrey Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, blue phantom quartz with blue tourmaline inclusions, drusy quartz, pink calcite (opaque), pink Lemurian seed crystal, selenite, shaman stone, and smokey quartz click HERE.
Black Gooseberry Flower Essence

Black Gooseberry Flower Essence encourages you to turn inward towards your deeper-knowing. When you seek outside information, it brings you back to feeling and sensing the inner counsel at the core of your Being. Supports honoring yourself as a wise soul with the wisdom within you to draw upon for strength. Aligns your multidimensional circuitry to integrate seamlessly with your mind and senses. As you are more aligned and able to access your wisdom, sudden changes in situations or frequency jumps are easier to integrate.
As Black Gooseberry Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM wisdom emanating from the core of your Being.
For more information about Black Gooseberry Flower Essence and the Amber, Angelite, Azeztulite, Drusy Quartz, Elestial Quartz, Himalayan Quartz, Icosahedron Cut Quartz, Jeffrey Quartz, Lemurian Seed Crystal, and Rose Quartz that energetically grounded this essence, click HERE.