Snowberry was one of the first flower essences I made. Its original quality was to help us through the night of the soul experience. Imagine my surprise and delight when during the remake, Snowberry described itself as “Emotional Freedom!
On July 4th several years ago, I remade the Snowberry Flower Essence. I hadn’t planned on making it that day. We were open to the public for the holiday, and since we are located on a small island we don’t usually have many people dropping in. Holidays, however, are usually busy for us, and by noon no one had come by, and traffic was quiet. The weather was perfect for making an essence, so I took down the open sign, put up the rope gate across the driveway, and set up the Snowberry Flower Essence.

Like this essence, we each change and grow over time. The essences this time will be allies as you go through this process.
The individual flower essences are Snowberry, Moon Shadow Rose, and Coltsfoot. Snowberry is in the Kidney Organ Blend. Moon Shadow Rose and Coltsfoot are in the Large Intestine Organ Blend and the Fresh Start Aromatherapy Mister. All of these are on special through July.
Large Intestine Blend has been on special, and my Guidance says it needs to stay on special to support us during this time of learning to trust new adventures.
Declare emotional freedom!
The Tree Frog Farm Team – Stu, Rhaychell, and Diana
Snowberry Flower Essence

Use Snowberry Flower Essence for emotional trauma so intense that you forget who you truly are. Snowberry was one of the first flower essences I made. Its original quality was to help us through the dark night of the soul experience. Imagine my surprise and delight when during the remake, Snowberry described itself as “Emotional Freedom! Independence from ALL previous emotional trauma, declare this through your whole body/being, declare this is how you will live every day!”
To do this Snowberry Flower Essence works through the Emotional Subtle Energy Field clearing out old “cobwebs” and clearing space for new ways of being. It helps you to stay open to your healing process as you integrate learning from previous difficult or traumatic experiences.
As Snowberry Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM freedom to express who I truly am every day.
For more information about Snowberry Flower Essence, the imprints of rattle and blue jay feathers and the amber, black obsidian bloodstone, charoite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, red jasper, rose quartz, and smokey quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click on the link below.
Moon Shadow Rose Flower Essence

Use Moon Shadow Rose Flower Essence when you are unable to move forward because you are stuck in the past, are over-shadowed by your past, or are continually repeating the past over and over again. Helpful when you feel a lack of trust in the safety and sweetness of life.
Moon Shadow Rose Flower Essence supports the process of discerning what is useful to learn from your experiences this lifetime, past lifetimes on Earth, and other planets. It facilitates letting go of what is not useful and inspires your ability to move forward toward discovering your authentic Self. Moon Shadow Rose Essence encourages you to trust in the inherent safety and sweetness of life on Earth.
As Moon Shadow Rose flower essence says of itself:
I AM a willingness to learn from and release shadows of the past and to trust becoming my authentic Self.
For more information about Moon Shadow Rose Flower Essence, imprints of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, aquamarine, charoite, drusy quartz, fluorite, icosahedron cut quartz, opaque pink calcite, smokey quartz, and white moonstone – click on the link below.
Coltsfoot Flower Essence

Use Coltsfoot Essence when you are tentative, holding back from engaging fully in life, feel afraid, or don’t have the energy to learn new things or be in new situations. This essence is wonderful when you are starting a new adventure or struggling to stay with a challenging situation, assignment, or project that is taking longer than expected. It is supportive for people who are exhausted by grief.
Coltsfoot Flower Essence instills physical and emotional vitality when you are exhausted and weary from challenging situations. It relieves hesitations to fully engage in new adventures, including the extended evolutionary process. It relieves old self-imposed limitations to your creativity and encourages deeply focused joyful activity. The energy of Coltsfoot Flower Essence is invigorating and exuberant yet calm and helps you access multi-dimensional guidance on how to use this renewed energy level.
As Coltsfoot Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM focused exuberance and vitality for new adventures and challenging situations.
For more information about Coltsfoot Flower Essence and the amber, black tourmaline, blue topaz, charoite, drusy quartz, green aventurine, green calcite, gold, icosahedron cut quartz, and red jasper crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click on the link below.
Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Use Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you experience shock and fear, panic attacks, adrenal depletion, chronic fatigue, or frequently feel wired-tired.
The Kidney Organ Blend shifts fear to confidence, will, and motivation, and transforms shock to resilience. It restores access to the source of your physical life force.
For more information about the Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite, and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it, click on the link below.
Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Use Large Intestine Organ Energy Essence Blend when you experience holding onto old stuff, feeling guilt or regret, thinking you or situations are never good enough. People with large intestine imbalance are often stoic about loss or hardship, rigid, uptight, or perfectionists.
The Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend supports the large intestine of the final sorting and elimination of what isn’t useful to the body. It activates letting go of what is no longer useful on any level in your life. Attitudes like not good enough, emotions like old grief, or guilt, an old self-image, or relationships that do not honor your worth. It unblocks stagnation and rigidity allowing flexibility, movement, and change.
For more information about the Large Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite, and rhodochrosite crystals that energetically charged it, click on the link below.
Fresh Start Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Mister

The grounded citrusy scent of Fresh Start invites you to joyfully engage your deepening sense of self and new life direction. Instills courage, calm, and center-ness during this process.
Great for engaging new adventures in your life. For example:
- Starting a new business or changing careers
- Starting or redirecting your spiritual path
- Marriage/partnering or creating a new life after separation/divorce
- Welcoming a new baby
- Expanding your personal interests when children leave home.
- Moving
- Encourages a deepening sense of who you are, and of your own uniqueness while experiencing physical vitality.
- Instills fortitude, commitment, and perseverance for creating a new life after trauma.
For more information about Fresh Start Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister, the flower essences, essential oils, and the crystals that energetically charged it, click on the link below.
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