March 2005: Balance

March 20th is the Spring Equinox, the balance of light and dark, feminine and masculine, yin and yang. Life is coming out of its winter cocoon and is springing into a period of new growth. Leaves and early flowers are budding and starting to open. New shoots of perennial plants and tiny fragile seedlings are pushing their way out of the ground. Like plants, we are entering the cycle of longer days and increased activity. How can we remember the deep quiet time of winter and encourage balance in our lives during this time of increased activity?


LungwortLungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) has scalloped funnel shaped flowers in small bunches that are either blue or pink and has green leaves with little white blotches. Lungwort is native to Europe and the Caucasus. Its leaves are said to resemble lung tissue and it is used to treat lung conditions such as bronchitis, chronic coughs and asthma.

Lungwort flower essence was made last year on the equinox. I’ve been working with this essence myself and with clients over the last year. It is helpful for a variety of situations like slowing down and softening, coming into one’s own power, opening to a new relationship and moving beyond duality.

On a flower essence level, Lungwort says of itself:

Helps you to integrate the duality of feminine and masculine energies. As your two lungs operate in unison, breathe deeply into your dual nature to find balance and union.

I AM balance of the masculine and feminine energies from the universal to the personal level.

Watch for the upcoming website update! Each essence will have its own detailed page with definition, medicinal food and wildlife uses, related symptoms and the action of the essence. Our intention is to provide more information while keeping the website easy to navigate. We are happy to be available to answer your questions about our products during our regular business hours – Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time.