It’s Leap Year! Time to Leap into your Life!!
We have been building toward this. In January I talked about manifesting your potential and changing fear that can thwart your process into confidence. Last month I focused on opening your heart as we enter the age of heart-centered humanity by answering the call of your inner mystic. Now it is time to leap!
But how? There are likely as many ways as there are people. Some things that help me are to ground my prolific ideas. To reroute the energy of that very active thinking back into my body for more life force and motivation. This helps me calm worry and anxiety. Thinking and speaking about what you want instead of focusing on what you don’t want is also key.
To help each of us Leap Into Life I’m offering Spleen and Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blends and Throat Chakra Essence Blend. The three individual flower essences this time are Camas Lily, Crocosmia, and Salmonberry. The Throat Chakra Blend contains Camas Lily and Crocosmia. Crocosmia is also in the Stomach Organ Blend and Salmonberry is in the Spleen Blend. All of these will support you in making the Leap! They are on special through March.
InJoy, Diana
Leap into Life! Despite the uncertainty, it can be invigorating!
Hint: If the temperatures in your area will be freezing or below, your essences could freeze and bottles break. It will be helpful for us to know if you will be home to receive your package or if we need to have the post office hold it for you to pick up. Please write delivery instructions in the comments.
Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend
The Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical spleen and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. The Spleen Organ Blend activates balanced blood sugar regulation, healthy immune responses, and strong, flexible muscles. It calms excessive and obsessive thinking by rerouting that energy back into the body for life energy and uses this life force energy for motivation and will to put ideas into action. The Spleen Blend provides a deep sense of inner home, of living in your body.
The spleen/pancreas organ energy system (spleen system) is the yin to the stomach’s yang.
For more information about the Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Inca jade, malachite, peridot, red jasper, and sunstones that energetically charged it – click on the picture.
Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend
The Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical stomach and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. The Stomach Blend balances your appetite for food and stimulates your appetite for life. It helps resolve digestive issues, encourages self-nourishment, gracefully receiving abundance, and supports strong, flexible muscles. The Stomach Blend addresses worry, anxiety, feeling unsafe and ungrounded, and supports stepping out into the world with centered confidence, creating nourishing relationships, and facing the challenges of life with balanced emotions.
The stomach organ energy system is the yang to the spleen’s yin.
For more information about the Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Inca jade, malachite, peridot, red jasper, and sunstones that energetically charged it – click on the picture.
Throat Chakra Essence Blend
The Throat Chakra Flower Essence Blend supports the healthy functioning of the Throat Chakra.
The main themes of the Throat Chakra include communication, creativity through sound, vibrational resonance, and clairaudience. When the Throat Chakra is open and active you can joyfully and confidently speak your truth, power, and deepest feelings. You express your self-love by the words you use when you think and speak about yourself and others. Your words and intentions are aligned to create what you want and need to manifest a meaningful and potent life informed by your higher Guidance. You may feel drawn to work with sound and vibrational healing. Clairaudience is another sign of an open and balanced Throat Chakra.
For more information about the Throat Chakra Flower Essence Blend and the Angelite, blue aragonite, blue calcite, blue quartz, blue topaz, drusy quartz, and lapis crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.
Camas Lily Flower Essence
Use Camas Lily Flower Essence when you want to break the habit of thinking or saying that what you need won’t or can’t happen. It is also helpful when you think your words are meaningless or powerless. This inability to speak what you want to create will affect your throat chakra and may affect the functioning of your thyroid gland.
Camas Lily Flower Essence helps you to speak what you want to create to manifest a meaningful and potent life. This includes how you speak to yourself through your thoughts and how you speak about yourself when communicating with other people. Words, which are vibrations, create sacred geometry symbols that create form. (“In the beginning was the Word…”) When we speak it is like Reiki from the throat. Using your voice as a frequency generator and choosing your thoughts and words intentionally to create what you want is very potent. Camas Lily Flower Essence supports your ability to do this.
As Camas Lily Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM intentional thoughts and words aligned with Guidance to create and manifest.
For more information about Camas Lily Flower Essence, the imprints of rattle and spirit song, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, Angelite, blue lace agate, blue celestite, blue chalcedony, blue quartz, blue topaz, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, and lapis – click on the picture.
Crocosmia Flower Essence
Use Crocosmia Flower Essence when experiencing a lack of confidence. Whining about how hard things are and blaming circumstances for not being able to accomplish what you want. Conversely, trying too hard to act confident may lead to becoming overly serious. Difficulty speaking confidently from your power around other people.
Crocosmia encourages you to playfully engage your emotional strength, power, and will to express yourself with confidence. Its relaxing quality invites you to be in your body. To pour out – radiate out – your strength, power, and will with enthusiasm to encourage others to engage and radiate theirs. Speaking with confidence doesn’t come solely from the throat chakra. It comes from sensing your emotional strength, power, and will from the sacral chakra. Crocosmia Flower Essence harmonizes both the front and back of the throat chakra and primarily the back of the sacral chakra.
As Crocosmia Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM confidence radiating out in all directions.
For more information about Crocosmia Flower Essence, the imprints of rattle and spirit song, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, aragonite star cluster, blue calcite, citrine, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, shattuckite, and tangerine quartz – click on the picture.
Salmonberry Flower Essence
Use Salmonberry Flower Essence when you feel resistant and aren’t willing to engage fully in your life. It is helpful when you don’t trust your intuition. Instead, it encourages you to act on your knowing to take the next obvious step in your life even when others say you should do something different. Salmonberry Flower Essence aligns you with the strength and courage to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves even when not convenient. Connect to your higher purpose and take action anyway from a place of being joyful, open, and relaxed.
As Salmonberry Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM willingness to joyfully engage obvious opportunities and courage to act.
For more information about Salmonberry Flower Essence, spirit song coming through Diana’s voice, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, drusy quartz, fluorite, garnet, golden topaz, icosahedron cut quartz, ruby, and smokey quartz – click on the picture.
Product Reviews!
Good News!
We now have a product review option on our website! As you know, we have been trying to generate customer reviews organically through Google and Facebook. We are elated to receive the reviews customers have submitted to these forums (THANK YOU!!), but now you can leave a review directly on our site, with no hassles or sign-ups. Easy Peasy! Just scroll to the bottom of the product page to find the Customer Reviews section. We look forward to your feedback.