Sacred Harmony with Earth
Indigenous people understood. Treat the Mother Earth with respect and she will nourish you. Honor her other children – the tree, plant, animal, bird, soil, mineral and air nations – and she will take care of your children and their children. Western culture has forgotten this. Look where we are now!
Gratefully, people all around the globe are waking up to the degradation we have imposed on our Mother. It is a time to remember we are children of Earth. What we do to her, we do to ourselves. We are all sacred beings. We are all part of the sacred web of life. The 13 Grandmothers are helping to raise that awareness. In honor of Earth Day, I’m focusing the product specials on our sacred relationship with Earth. White Fawn Lily is the individual essence special. It is an important essence in both Beauty Way and Sacred Energies.

White Fawn Lily Flower Essence
White Fawn Lily is native to the Pacific Northwest, from Oregon into British Columbia. The White Fawn Lilies on Lummi Island grow in shallow moss-covered forest soils that have accumulated on rocky outcroppings. Sometimes called Giant White Fawn Lily, the flower stalk grows between 7 to 12 inches tall. The white flower heads hang downward with the petal tips curved up. After the flower is pollinated the stalk straightens and the flower head turns upward. Indigenous peoples of Western Washington State steamed and ate the corms and used juice from the plants for cuts and sore eyes.
On the flower essence level, White Fawn Lily encourages deep loving introspection that grows reverence for all life and nurtures your genuine self. After you have reached a place of fullness, like a flower that has been pollinated and is ready to spread its seeds, White Fawn Lily Essence supports you to lift your head, soften your eyes, open your heart and radiate peace and the gift of your Being out to the world.
I AM fully ripened heartfull Peace and genuine Being radiating out to the world.
For more information about White Fawn Lily Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence–amber, amethyst, blue quartz with blue tourmaline inclusions, icosahedron cut quartz and drusy quartz, go to the link below.
» More information on White Fawn Lily Flower Essence
Beauty Way Essence Blend
The Beauty Way Essence Blend is based on the Navajo Beauty Way Prayer.
Today may I walk out in beauty.
With beauty may I walk.
With beauty before me, may I walk.
With beauty behind me, may I walk.
With beauty above me, may I walk.
With beauty below me, may I walk.
With beauty around me, may I walk.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.
This blend helps you to slow down, feel yourself, see the beauty in your surroundings, and remember that the energy with which you do a task is even more important than the task.
It is about being internal, reflective, receptive, and heartful compared to being external, results oriented, protective and powerful. And yet there is strength in the Beauty Way path. It is the strength that rises up from the Mother Earth herself. Beauty Way is a gentle yet strong ally encouraging you to integrate these more compassionate qualities and strengths into your daily actions.
For more information about the Beauty Way Essence Blend and the Chrysoprase, Sodalite, Turquoise, Variscite and Drusy Quartz crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on Beauty Way Essence Blend
Sacred Energies Essence Blend
Come into your sacred self! Feel the sacredness in your surroundings! The flower essences of Sacred Energies set a high frequency resonance that connects you with your multidimensional self that is accessed through the higher consciousness in your energy fields, chakras, higher brain and higher heart functions. To facilitate spiritually aligned healing and healthy living, take it orally by spray or dropper, or spray into your energy fields. To invite sacred energies for ceremony, celebrations and meditation, spray it into a room or outdoor area and feel the instant shift to higher heart-centered consciousness.
For more information about Sacred Energies Essence Blend and the Cavansite, Moldavite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Jeffrey Quartz and Drusy Quartz that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on Sacred Energies Essence Blend
In honor of Earth Day, follow the Beauty Way now and all year ’round. Move into deep quiet time to peacefully rest in the sacredness of Mother Earth. Nourish yourself then share your gifts with others.
» More information on Monthly Specials
We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at