Mid-April 2016: Being Present with Earth Wisdom

Being Present with Earth Wisdom

earth dayThe human brain and mind is a wonderful and mysterious instrument! Like any instrument it needs to be tuned to work well. When my brain is “out of tune”, my thinking is all over the place – scattered, disjointed, chaotic and often highly emotional. Diet can play an important part in brain functioning, with too many influences to list here. Meditating or intensely focusing on a task can help to quiet the mind. In short, being present in the Now, is very much a part of healthy mind functioning.

But why is that important? Because, when our mind is in chaos, we disconnect from the Earth. In that disconnect we project our internal chaos externally onto the world with devastating results. We see that in the way we treat other people. We see that in the way we dig up the Earth, creating upheaval for the plants, animals and whole ecosystems. In short, we create chaos and destruction everywhere in our environment.

Come to a balanced, calm state of mind, and see how you relate to your environment differently. Slow down, be peaceful, walk in the Beauty Way with Earth Wisdom. Meditating, walking quietly in nature, laying on the Earth, hugging a tree, getting your hands in the dirt by planting a garden are all ways to calm the mind and stay connected to our Beloved Mother Earth.

Our Beauty Way and Earth Wisdom Essence Blends can also be helpful. Saskatoon is a key flower essence in both blends. Blue Cohosh Flower Essence is not in either blend, yet is a quietly powerful complement to both. All of these are on special from mid-April to mid-May.

InJoy, Diana

Saskatoon Flower Essence

saskatoonSaskatoon, also called serviceberry, is a thornless shrub in the rose family. It is found in a variety of conditions from dry, rocky slopes in full sun or in moist, deep fertile soils and partial shade of coniferous forest at low to mid elevations from North Dakota and Saskatchewan Canada to Southern California. Deer and elk browse the leaves and young shoots and birds love the berries. Many indigenous peoples ate Saskatoon berries, made medicine from roots, stems and berries to treat a wide range of minor complaints, and made arrows, digging sticks and drying baskets from the wood. Today the fruit is still valued, and commercial and garden varieties have been developed. Saskatoon has bright white blooms in spring and its blueberries ripen in mid-summer. Saskatoon berries are rich in copper and iron. Modern brain metabolism research indicates that copper and iron are essential for a healthy brain.

On the flower essence level, Saskatoon helps to connect missing links in energy pathways that inform the neural pathways while our brains are evolving and we learn to live in a whole brain way. This affects your ability to orient in space and your mental, emotional and metabolic processes. It also helps to integrate the new brain pathways that develop while learning new information and tasks or synthesizing fragments of existing information. Saskatoon Flower Essence also enhances communication between the brain and heart, which facilitates being more present, emotionally balanced and peacefully grounded in your body.

As Saskatoon Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM ease in the evolutionary process of becoming a whole-brain human

For more information about Saskatoon Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, blue apatite, drusy quartz, fluorite, Herkimer diamond, icosahedron cut quartz, lepidolite, lithium quartz, quartz wand, sugilite and Tibetan black quartz – go to the link below.

» More Information on Saskatoon Flower Essence

Blue Cohosh Flower Essence

Blue CohoshBlue cohosh prefers the moist woodland of the Allegheny and Upper Appalachian Mountains of New England, and extends through hardwood forests from New Brunswick to South Carolina and east to the Mississippi River. It is a long-lived perennial with greenish-purple stalk and 3-lobed leaves that turn blue-green with age. Small brownish-maroon colored flowers bloom early in spring then produce blueberries. Blue cohosh is a woman’s herb best used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist. It is used to balance menstruation and in childbirth to reduce pain, speed contraction and dilation, expel the placenta and support rapid recovery. Blue cohosh is listed as “At Risk” by United Plant Savers due to overharvesting and loss of habitat. We grow Blue Cohosh and other endangered herbs at Tree Frog Farm to help preserve them.

On the flower essence level, Blue Cohosh brings your mind and attention into the Now, the Present. This allows you to observe thoughts, feelings and sensations as they arise without reacting and attaching to them, and to let them gently drift through like puffy white clouds moving across the sky. This brings you to the quiet place of mind and opens your awareness to connect with higher spiritual energies. Blue Cohosh Essence is a welcome ally during meditation.

As Blue Cohosh flower essence says of itself:

I AM present in the Now with a quiet mind

For more information about Blue Cohosh Flower Essence – amber, amethyst, azeztulite, drusy quartz, Himalayan quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, labradorite, lepidolite, lithium quartz and Tibetan black quartz – go to the link below.

» More Information on Blue Cohosh Flower Essence

Beauty Way Essence Blend

beauty wayThe Navajo chant “I walk with Beauty before me, behind me, above me, all around me” inspired the Beauty Way Essence Blend. Many indigenous peoples make a spiritual practice of walking through daily life honoring and connecting to the spirit and the life force in everything around them. This is a vital practice for each of us, since we are all indigenous to the Earth!

Beauty Way Blend helps you to slow down, feel yourself, see the beauty in your surroundings, and remember that the energy with which you do a task is even more important than the task. It cultivates remembering that your higher wisdom is more easily accessed when you are quiet inside. It is about being internal, reflective, receptive, and heartful compared to being external, results oriented, protective and powerful. And yet there is strength in the Beauty Way path. It is the strength that rises up from the Mother Earth herself. Beauty Way is a gentle yet strong ally encouraging you to integrate these more compassionate qualities and strengths into your daily actions.

For more information about the Beauty Way Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – chrysoprase, drusy quartz, sodalite, turquoise and variscite – go to the link below.

» More Information on Beauty Way Essence Blend

Earth Wisdom Essence Blend

Earth WisdomLove our Mother Earth! The Earth Wisdom Essence Blend invites you to attune your heart to the heart of the Mother Earth. Relax into her arms and revel in the joy of Being. Let the Mother’s grounded wisdom guide you to live in peace and sacred harmony with other people and all creatures. Let the Mother’s Love inspire you to live and work with the well-being and sacredness of our planet in your heart.

For more information about the Earth Wisdom Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – chrysocolla, chrysoprase, drusy quartz, fire agate, turquoise, and variscite – go to the link below.

» More Information on Earth Wisdom Essence Blend

Earth Day Blessings!! Stay awake, aware and engaged as Earth changes happen. Align yourself with Earth’s wisdom and spiritual spine.

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at info@treefrogfarm.com.