Forgiveness, and the Wisdom Gained
Easter is curiously celebrated with the bunny and the eggs, but symbolically it is the awakening of Mother Earth and a manifestation of fertility within her soil. It is also a time that for many symbolize a sacrifice made to save the collective, and as a result, returned to former glory through resurrection.
White Fawn Lily essence was remade last Easter. The place where this wild native flower grows is off-trail in one of our islands’ nature preserves. Needless to say, it is more than just a little frowned upon to go walking off the designated path, but since we do not pick the flowers to make our essences (we use the no-pick method) we are willing to chance it. Due to a lot of unknowns, we agreed that it should be a solo mission. One that Stu would take on, set up the crystals and bottles, and begin the process. In his haste, however, he forgot to pack any food or water. He called with an update and asked if I could come out and bring him some water.
The children and I headed out to bring him some snacks and water. After we arrived, I was looking down where we had just come up from to see displaced clumps of mossy ground cover near bare patches of earth. It wasn’t anything much, but I felt it was only right to put the moss back like it was. After doing so I slipped, pulling another clump of moss from its rocky surface.
When I noticed, all the color drained from my face. I reached down and picked up a salamander who had been badly injured by my boot when I slipped. Tearfully, I cupped the small creature in my hand and found a soft, shaded place to lay it down to rest. This all took place in a matter of minutes, but it felt like time slowed down. I knew I wanted to go, so we left Stu to finish the day.
I see a bigger picture a year later; one that had previously been clouded by feelings of failure and inability, and hum at a lower vibrational frequency. When we vibrate in these lower frequencies it obscures our view, leaving us unable to see passed it. We aren’t able to see beyond the ripple of our choices. If we were able to see everything all at once would we make the same choices? Would we alter our behavior and lose our freedom of choice to avoid undesirable situations This would surely hinder us from having experiences that we are meant to learn from and would inhibit our ability to grow and evolve. These teaching moments allow us to reflect and we can begin to see the bigger picture. I’d like to believe that the salamander (which is by definition a type of fairy!) and I had agreed upon this fated encounter before this current timeline for the essence to be completed as it was meant to be. As a collective, each of us is doing our part to heal as we rise up toward the oneness that we truly are. To realize that our sacrifices and the suffering we endure here aren’t in vain after all; it’s an act of love we choose to endure to save all the other parts of us within each other. I can forgive myself and release the guilt I felt by acknowledging it was a lesson that was organically experienced for the greater good.
Let this inspire you to forgive yourself for things that you may be holding onto in shame or guilt. Forgiving yourself is an act of release that can only raise your vibration. This will benefit not only you and your quality of life, but it is also beneficial to the collective.
In Oneness, Rhaychell
Enjoy the unfolding of the magic before you this spring. Take a moment or two to truly take in the beauty that nature shares with us during this time. What a blessing it is to be at home with Mother Earth.
White Fawn Lily Essence
Use White Fawn Lily Flower Essence when you feel unsure of offering the gift of your authentic self to the world. Perhaps you don’t feel clear about your gift. Perhaps you don’t feel ready yet. You might sense that you need to go deeper with yourself first. Perhaps you aren’t sure if it is the right time. Or perhaps you are eager to offer your gift before it has ripened within yourself before you have tasted reverence for all life. White Fawn Lily is also helpful when your gift is ripened, you know it is time to offer peace and your gift, and yet you still feel hesitant. As an essence, White Fawn Lily helps you settle into deep loving introspection and reverence for all life. This inspires the nature of your gift to the world, the gift of Peace, and your authentic self. After you have reached a place of genuine fullness, like a flower that has been pollinated and is ready to spread its seeds, White Fawn Lily Essence supports you to lift your head, soften your eyes, open your heart, and radiate peace and the gift of your Being out to the world. As White Fawn Lily Flower Essence says of itself: I AM a fully ripened heart-full Peace and genuine Being radiating out to the world. For more information about White Fawn Lily Flower Essence and the amber, amethyst, blue quartz, drusy quartz, and icosahedron quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click on the link below. |
Blue Cohosh Essence |
Use this essence when needing to be in the present moment, finding it difficult to be present, or when your mind reacts to every thought, feeling sensation, or impression. Blue Cohosh Flower Essence brings your mind and attention to the Now, the Present. This allows you to observe thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they arise without reacting and attaching to them, and to let them gently drift through like puffy white clouds moving across the sky. This brings you to a quiet place of mind and opens your awareness to connect with higher spiritual energies. A great ally to have on hand during a meditation session. As Blue Cohosh Flower Essence says of itself: I AM Present in the Now with a quiet mind. For more information about Blue Cohosh Flower Essence, the sound of Tibetan brass bowl and the amber, amethyst, azeztulite, drusy quartz, Himalayan quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, labradorite, lepidolite, lithium quartz, and Tibetan black quartz used to energetically charge it – click on the picture. |
Lily of the Valley Flower Essence |
Use Lily of the Valley Flower Essence when you have difficulty accessing multidimensional information or when you feel disconnected from your spiritual potential and powerless to access it. Helpful when you want to integrate brain, heart, and body functions for higher consciousness. Lily of the Valley is helpful when you wonder if there is some purpose or value in your current life lessons. It also helps to put the craziness of political and economic situations happening in the world, that are fueling lessons for the collective human experience, into perspective. Lily of the Valley Flower Essence does this by facilitating reconnection of the energetic pathways that hold the knowledge of being multidimensional humans. These energetic circuits/pathways are mirrored in the brain by nerve pathways that connect the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex with the front-to-back pathways of the frontal lobes and the brain stem, forming a cross. The sacred information about these pathways and access to them through the 3rd eye is stored in the symbols of the ankh and the cross but has been dormant for close to 2000 years. When we have access to these circuits, we can see “current reality” within the scope of the larger “ultimate reality.” As Lily of the Valley Flower Essence says of itself: I AM calm and acceptance, knowing that all is in Divine order. For more information about Lily of the Valley flower essence, and the amber, amethyst, blue apatite, cherry quartz, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, pink Lemurian seed crystal, purple (lithium) quartz, and Tibetan black quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, go to the link below. |
Liver Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend |
The liver is one of the hardest-working organs in the body. It secretes biochemicals, including bile, that support digestion and other metabolic processes. It stores glycogen to be released into the blood as glucose for quick energy. The liver synthesizes blood plasma proteins, decomposes spent red blood cells, and breaks down toxins. Symptoms: Use the Liver Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have liver disease or problems with physical liver functions. Rules hips, other joints, connective tissue, and muscular structure. The main emotional patterns are anger turned in on yourself, self-critical, victim, or addictions. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 1 AM – 3 AM. Action: The Liver OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical liver and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and use anger as motivation for change. It facilitates clear thinking in the liver’s role as the big-picture planner, organizer, and implementer. Supports detoxifying. For more information about the Liver Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz, and sugilite crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below |
Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend |
The gallbladder is the backup to the liver. It stores the bile secreted by the liver, clears it of water and other substances, and secretes it into the digestive tract to digest fats. Symptoms: Use Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have gallstones or other gallbladder disease. Rules hips, other joints, connective tissue, and muscular structure. The main emotional patterns are bitterness, cynicism, and anger turned outward at authority figures, objects, or when a creative process is disrupted. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 11 PM – 1 AM. Actions: Works through the energy circuits that surround the physical gallbladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and channel anger toward creative solutions. It facilitates clear thinking in the gallbladder’s role as the strategist, decision-maker, and implementer of effective action. Supports detoxifying. For more information about the Gallbladder Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz, and sugilite crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below. |
Beauty Way Essence Blend |
The Beauty Way Essence Blend is based on the Navajo Beauty Way Prayer. Today may I walk out in beauty. With beauty may I walk. With beauty before me, may I walk. With beauty behind me, may I walk. With beauty above me, may I walk. With beauty below me, may I walk. With beauty around me, may I walk. It is finished in beauty. It is finished in beauty. This blend helps you to slow down, feel yourself, see the beauty in your surroundings, and remember that the energy with which you do a task is even more important than the task. It is about being internal, reflective, receptive, and heartful compared to being external, results-oriented, protective, and powerful. And yet there is strength in the Beauty Way path. It is the strength that rises from the Mother Earth herself. Beauty Way is a gentle yet strong ally, encouraging you to integrate these more compassionate qualities and strengths into your daily actions. For more information about the Beauty Way Essence Blend and the Chrysoprase, Sodalite, Turquoise, Variscite, and Drusy Quartz crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below. |