Wrapped In Angel Wings
Sing Alleluia with the Angelic Hosts! Many Holiday songs include angels. How nice it would be to have your own personal angels. Guess what, we each do! We each have at least one angel that is with us at all times. Sometimes we lose touch with our angels, don’t sense them standing with their wings spread around us.
How often the Holidays can feel rushed and stressful! With so many wonderful seasonal activities, it is easy to get overloaded instead of feeling deeply spiritually nourished. Well, this is the Season to feel your angels with you all the time!
Michaelmas Daisy is the mid-month flower essence special. It invites you to call in your angels and feel encircled in their protecting wings. It is a key essence in the Angels of Light Aromatherapy & Flower Essence Mister, and a compliment to the Stress Relief Aromatherapy & Flower Essence Mister.
Last Chance for free or reduced shipping! The Holiday shipping specials end Sunday night, December 14th. On international orders of any amount, and domestic orders of $49.99 or less, you will receive a $4 reduction in the shipping fee. (The order will not show a $4 shipping discount. It is already taken out of the shipping cost that the shopping cart calculates.) For United States customers with orders over $50, you will receive Free Shipping.
Happy Holidays! InJoy,

Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence
Michaelmas Daisy is a native European aster that is now a garden favorite in North America. This lilac-colored aster blooms in the late summer and through early fall. It is named after Michaelmas, the September 29th holiday that honors Archangel Michael. Michaelmas Daisy is pollinated by bees, butterflies and moths and is a food plant for the larvae of many butterflies.
Calling all Angels! On the flower essence level, Michaelmas Daisy invites you to feel angel wings wrapped around you, reassuring you that you are protected and loved. It facilitates communication from your God Self with your conscious mind and physical body. And engenders compassionate communication with your self and others.
I AM protected, loved and communicate compassionately.
For more information about Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, angelite, blue kyanite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, rhodochrosite, and silver topaz crystals, go to the link below.
» More information on Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence
Angels of Light Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister
Great for this sacred Holiday time! Create sacred space for ceremony and family gatherings. Feel your angels with you!
Wrapped in Angel wings, let your spirit soar! Release from worry and fear. Feel lighthearted and grounded. Provides protection by strengthening your personal boundaries.
Clears an area in preparation for ceremony or celebration. If you would like to increase the sacred energy of the area even more, follow with Sacred Energies Flower Essence Blend or Enlighten Aromatherapy & Flower Essence Mister. (Both remain on special until the end of December.)
Helps children and adults relax into sleep. Clears away the cares of the day; relaxes your mind and body.
Effective during times of illness, dis-ease or exposure. Spray around your home or a hospital room. Carry with you for daily use.
Great for massage therapists, other body workers and energy healers! Use between clients. Clears your room of energetic or emotional imprints or residue. Antimicrobial.
Flower Essences:
Michaelmas Daisy – Calling all Angels! Feel angel wings wrapped around you, reassuring you that you are protected and loved. Engenders compassionate communication.
White Yarrow – Gives you access to the highest frequency white light that you are capable of integrating. Creates White Light personal boundary protection.
Comfrey – Aids in the healing of wounds so deep and traumatic that they affect your soul’s journey. Encourages feeling safe in your body with a courageous heart.
Lady’s Mantle – Brings deep spiritual peace to your whole body and being by balancing the sympathetic nervous system. Calms shock to the heart.
Essential Oils:
Lavender – Brings inner calm, peace of mind and freedom from emotional and mental stress. Antiseptic & antibacterial. Strengthens the perimeters of your personal boundaries.
Bitter Orange – Brings peace and happiness for the mind, body and spirit. Antimicrobial.
Thyme – Helps reclaim a childlike sense of fun, brings courage and protection against danger. Antimicrobial and antiseptic.
For more information about Angels of Light and the crystals that energetically charged it – amethyst, angel wing, drusy quartz and Lemurian seed crystal, go to the link below.
» More information on Angels of Light Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister
Stress Relief Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister
During this Holiday Season, when life is full of doing and feels stressful, this mister helps you stay lighthearted, grounded and centered during the many activities and responsibilities of your day. It reminds you to slow down and create time to nourish, center and comfort yourself.
Great when you are at work or school, and during Holiday shopping.
Use after work, school or errands to slow down and relax.
Use before bed for restful sleep.
Takes the edge off during emotionally charged situations.
Brings you back to your heart and your inner knowing.
Flower Essences:
Black Gooseberry – Search your inner counsel for the truth of your deepest wisdom. Access that wisdom emanating from the core of your being.
Devil’s Club – Provides solace to those who are world-weary. Turns thorns into a healing balm and reconnects you to your spiritual roots.
Lavender – Sweet dreams are made by allowing thoughts to drift through your mind. Strengthens the boundary of your personal space.
Self-Heal – Encourages the state of balance from which whole Body/Being integration flows by balancing all of the chakras.
Essential Oils:
Vetiver – Reduces stress and tension, calming, promotes restful sleep.
Lavender – Brings inner calm, peace of mind and freedom from emotional and mental stress.
Geranium – Exudes a light aroma of roses and gives a gentle lift to the body, emotions, mind and spirit.
For more information about Stress Relief Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister and the drusy quartz, green calcite, ocean jasper and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on Stress Relief Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister
During this Holiday season full of activities,
make time to slow down and nourish yourself.
Call in your angels and feel the peace
at the heart of this sacred time.
» More information on Monthly Specials
We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at info@treefrogfarm.com.