Mid-June 2022: Searching for Calm During Stress

Stress is a counter productive, yet primitively useful action our bodies go into in order protect us from harm. It wreaks havoc on our bodies, and if you look back upon things that seemed stressful at the time, they can sometimes seem trivial after the fact. Definitely not worth the damage caused to our nervous systems or our spiritual connections! Self-Heal essence has been my go-to all week. I was drawn to it when I was feeling drained last weekend and have used it daily since. Rapid changes in my emotional and mental states recently have pulled up old wounds needing to be revisited and cleared.

I hope this message carries the silver thread of inspiration to someone else in need of some calm amid the stresses of daily life. Things can feel a little overwhelming, but you can find help from your friends at Tree Frog Farm! I have included an excerpt from the eloquently written 2013 newsletter by Diana that gave me the inspiration I needed.

Love and Light, Rhaychell

From the Mid-June 2013 newsletter:

“Dealing with this can trigger intense emotional weather. This plays out through the fight/flight/freeze response of the central nervous system, biochemicals like adrenaline and cortisol, through the emotional body and chakras. You may experience symptoms like panic attacks, extreme nervousness, anxiety, agitation, restlessness, feeling “beside yourself,” inability to think clearly, shallow breathing, or overwhelm.

So much of this starts through the chakras. When you go into shock or feel really stressed, the chakras contract. You are not able to receive spiritual energies that are vital to your overall health and wellbeing. Each chakra connects with a point on the spinal cord and relates to an endocrine gland. This affects the spine, central nervous system, and metabolism, including the biochemicals of shock and stress.

Our Self-Heal Flower Essence balances and aligns the chakras to help you settle into calm. It is the featured essence this month and a key essence in the SOS Flower Remedy Blend and Stress Relief Aromatherapy Mister. Our SOS Blend is designed for use when you experience extreme stress and shock. Very valuable in intense physical and emotional weather conditions!! For those of you who respond well to scents, our Stress Relief Aromatherapy Mister will help with day-to-day stress and take off the edge during intense weather stress.”

Self-Heal Flower Essence

Self Heal

Self-Heal Flower Essence aligns and balances all of the chakras, which enhances your ability to receive higher frequency energies without feeling stressed. It attunes your chakras to receive downloads of information from many realms – including angels, Illuminated Beings and the Nameless Light – and to integrate this information with ease. Self Heal Flower Essence also moves your body into resonance with the Earth’s electromagnetic fields and heartbeat. By working in these ways, it strengthens the energy circuits that in turn affect the alignment of the spine, cerebral spinal fluid balance, and pressure in the head. These in turn bring more ease to the head, neck, back, hips and shoulders, and help you feel clearer and more grounded in your body.

As Self-Heal Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM balanced and aligned chakras that receive spiritual frequencies with ease.

For more information about Self-Heal Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, azeztulite, blue aragonite, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, moldavite and smokey quartz with chlorite inclusions click this link or the picture.

Snowberry Flower Essence


Use Snowberry Flower Essence for emotional trauma so deep and intense that you forget who you truly are.

Snowberry Flower Essence works through the Emotional Subtle Energy Field, clearing out old “cobwebs” and clearing space for new ways of being. It helps you stay open to your healing process as you integrate learning from previous difficult or traumatic experiences.

As Snowberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM freedom to express who I truly am every day.

For more information about Snowberry flower essence, the imprints of rattle, blue jay feathers, and the amber, black obsidian bloodstone, charoite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, red jasper, rose quartz and smokey quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence – click this link or the picture.

Calendula Flower Essence


Calendula Flower essence provides a sense of peaceful safety by creating heart-centered strong energetic boundaries electrically grounded into the Earth. Filters psychic intrusion.

Use this essence when you don’t feel safe and don’t know why, when your third eye chakra is too open, or when you sense “holes” in your energetic “skin.” Useful when you feel that your energy fields are unstable or need grounding – literally as in grounding electricity.

As Calendula Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM strong physic boundaries, grounded through my heart into the Earth.

For more information about Calendula flower essence and the amber, amazonite, citrine, copper, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, prasiolite, rutilated quartz, smokey quartz, and white and red stilbite crystals that helped energetically ground it –  click this link or the picture.

Shock or Stress Flower Remedy


Shock Or Stress, S.O.S. Flower Remedy is the all-in-one first aid flower essence remedy for adults, children and animals. It quickly eases physical, emotional and spiritual shock to restore calm and balance. The flower essences in S.O.S. Flower Remedy safely go to the level needed after an accident or trauma. It is helpful when an old trauma becomes reactivated, from a similar experience or during a healing process. S.O.S also calms over stimulation and stress of daily life.

It is available with a dropper top in either brandy or red shiso base, or in a handy spray top in the red shiso base. The spray top is my personal favorite. Just flip off the top and spray into your mouth, or spray around you to settle the shock in your energy fields.

For more information about the SOS Flower Remedy Spray and the amber, aquamarine, black onyx, drusy quartz, and Inca jade that energetically charged it – click this link or the picture.

Calm Centered Clear Essence Blend

Calm Centered Clear

Calm Centered Clear is a blend of flower essences that work together to help you learn new information quickly and integrate both cognitive and energetic information with ease. It helps you to approach each new situation fresh without automatic associations and reactions, and to remain calm, embodied, with appropriate boundaries, confident and at ease with yourself during this process. This blend has been supportive to students, teachers, body/energy workers, and business people. Helpful for ADD, ADHD and sensory integration. Calm Centered Clear is also useful while traveling. Carry this handy spray and spritz it directly into your mouth, into a glass of drinking water, or mist it around your head any time you want to feel more calm, centered and clear.

For more information about the Calm Centered Clear Essence Spray and crystals of black obsidian, charolite, drusy quartz, lapis, red jasper and smokey quartz with chlorite inclusions that energetically charged it – click this link or the picture.

Stress_Relief Aromatherapy and Essence Blend Mister

Stress Relief

When life is full of doing and feels stressful, this mister helps you stay lighthearted, grounded and centered during the many activities and responsibilities of your day. It reminds you to slow down and created time to nourish, center and comfort yourself.

Great at work, school and when shuttling children between activities.
Use after work, school or errands to slow down and relax.
Use before bed for restful sleep.
Takes off the edge during emotionally charged situations.

For more information about the Stress Relief Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Mister and the drusy quartz, green calcite, ocean jasper, and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it - click the link or the picture.