Happy 70th Birthday to me! Every decade of my life gets better. The circumstances of my life don’t always look rosy, but, I’m confident they are always beneficial for my personal and spiritual growth.
With everything going on for each of us and in the world, it is so easy to get stuck in fear, worry, anger, and lots of other emotions. I have a challenging time feeling confident. Or sometimes I try too hard to feel confident which only covers over the other emotions and comes across as being insincere. Sound familiar?

I’ve learned that my life flows more smoothly and is a lot more enjoyable when I orient with ease toward the quality of confidence and let it permeate my daily actions! Sacral Chakra, Bladder, and Stomach Blends are my best allies for embodying confidence. The individual flower essences are Western Columbine for getting up and doing it confidence, Mandarin Lights Azalea for the kind of confidence that allows you to gracefully handle whatever comes your way, and Goat’s Beard for innate body confidence to handle the flow of daily happenings. All three of these individual flower essences are in the Sacral Chakra Blend. Western Columbine is also in the Bladder Organ Blend, and Goat’s Beard is in the Stomach Organ Blend. All of these are on special through mid-November.
InJoy, Diana
Let confidence be your friend in daily life. Flower Essences will be your ally in the process. Enjoy!
Sacral Chakra Essence Blend
Use the Sacral Chakra Blend when you experience low self-esteem and taking things personally. This includes emotions such as anger, guilt, regret, and being emotionally dependent. Duality of self vs. other. Cooperation vs. competition. Body confidence and physical empowerment are the main themes of the Sacral Chakra.
When the Sacral Chakra is open and active, it provides a sense of emotional and social safety. Leading to acceptance of and cooperation with other people. It inspires self-esteem, body confidence, caring touch, and enjoyment of life. The Sacral Chakra is the seat of clairsentience.
The Sacral Chakra Essence Blend supports the healthy functioning of the Sacral Chakra.
For more information about the Sacral Chakra Blend and the carnelian, drusy quartz, mahogany obsidian, orange calcite, red jasper, and tangerine quartz crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.
Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend
Use the Bladder Organ Blend when you want to shift from fear-based existence to living with sustained energy. Gives confidence, adaptability, and the flexibility needed to fully engage your daily life. Helpful when you have a deep need to control your environment from the experience of trauma.
The Bladder Blend supports the healthy functioning of the bladder and the immune system/central nervous system. Symptoms such as headaches, back problems, and excessive urination. It encourages you to pace yourself and to rest so you don’t deplete your energy supply.
The Bladder Organ Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical bladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it.
For more information about the Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.
Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend
Use the Stomach Organ Blend when you experience worry, anxiety, feeling unsafe, and ungrounded. Also, lack of confidence and/or codependent relationships. It helps you to balance your appetite for food and stimulates your appetite for life. Encourages self-nourishment, gracefully receiving abundance, a sense of stability, and confidently stepping into the world. Centers your place on Earth.
Supports the healthy functioning of the stomach including symptoms such as digestive issues, sinus problems, headaches in the forehead, TMJ, and minor rashes.
The Stomach Organ Energy Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical stomach and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it.
For more information about the Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, fire agate, Inca jade, malachite, peridot, red jasper, and sunstones, click on the picture.
Western Columbine Flower Essence
Use Western Columbine Flower Essence when you want support for expressing your feelings, and increasing optimism for living. Encourages confidence so you can make appropriate changes in your life. Urges you to act from eagerness, interest, and excitement with the genuine desire to do what you want. Facilitates change so you can accomplish what you desire in your life.
Western Columbine Essence works through the Root and Sacral Chakras to instill visceral body confidence. This is the kind of confidence that doesn’t require thought, only engaging your will to take action. Thinking about the process gets in the way of your body memory responding – like driving a car, playing a sport, or a musical instrument.
As Western Columbine Essence says of itself:
I AM visceral body confidence for living a fully engaged and competent life.
For more information about Western Columbine Flower Essence, sound imprints of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, bloodstone, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, red jasper, and white and red stilbite, click on the picture.
Mandarin Lights Azalea Flower Essence
Use Mandarin Lights Azalea when you have difficulty grounding into your life. You may experience deep visceral fear and lack of confidence. This essence works through the Sacral Chakra and the Hara to support you during uncertainty and rapid changes. During times of adversity, this essence resources your survival instinct. Grounds you in your body with a feeling of overall strength and confidence. Gives you the capacity to gracefully handle whatever comes your way. Aikido for life!
As Mandarin Lights Azalea Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM grounded strength and aikido for life!
For more information about Mandarin Lights Azalea Flower Essence, sound imprints of rattle, and spirit song, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence; amber, citrine (natural), drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, larimar, orange calcite, quartz point, tangerine quartz, white and red stilbite, and zoisite with ruby, click on the picture.
Goat’s Beard Flower Essence
Use Goat’s Beard Flower Essence when you feel rushed, jittery, ungrounded, overwhelmed, or unstable in your body. It is helpful when you find it difficult to be in a physical body on Earth and you would rather live as Spirit.
Goat’s Beard Flower Essence supports wholeheartedly being in your environment as a surefooted, quick, incisive human animal. Innate body confidence. Releases the sense of rush or jitteriness to make it easy to handle the flow of daily life. Goat’s Beard Essence enables you to experience Earth as your home and as a nurturing place, and wholeheartedly enjoy living in your body.
As Goat’s Beard Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM at home, relaxed and nurtured living on Earth.
For more information about Goat’s Beard Flower Essence, the sound of spirit song coming through Diana’s voice, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence; amber, andalusite, black onyx, bloodstone, blue quartz with blue tourmaline inclusions, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, icosahedron cut quartz, Inca jade, and red jasper, click on the picture.