Mid-October 2024: Spiritual Expansiveness and Personal Growth

Mid-October 2024 – Spiritual Expansiveness and Personal Growth


This Fall, we will experience some potent astrological configurations that make for a great opportunity to reorient from negative thinking toward new, heartfelt ways of expressing ourselves. This time of year is also when we feel more drawn to deep meditative journeys into alternate spaces. These contemplative sessions help elevate our spiritual processes and deepen our understanding of the universe. Shorter daylight hours show the veil between worlds is thinning, and impressions being received from the “other side” are becoming more accessible.

As we integrate spiritual experiences and the information received during expanded states of consciousness into our daily reality, San Juan Mugwort Flower Essence is ready to assist. The Third Eye Chakra blend, in which San Juan Mugwort is a key essence, is a great go-to for guidance while experiencing beyond time and space. Skunk Cabbage essence encourages you to dig deep into the emotional and psychological muck creating stagnant, constipated energy blocking the ability to live life to the fullest. Skunk Cabbage and Large Intestine Organ Blend are wonderful for helping to move along old trapped energy. Borage is a key essence in the Lung Organ Meridian Blend. Large Intestine and Lung Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blends are associated with the Fall Season according to the Chinese 5 Elements Theory. All of these are on special from mid-October to mid-November.

With Love and Gratitude, Rhaychell

PS I wanted to mention that yesterday, October 16th, would have been Diana’s 74th Earth year birthday. To celebrate her life and in memory of her, our friend C’elle came to visit and she made a beautiful wreath with the seasonal flowers and plants still thriving around the farm. John, Stu, C’elle, and I, along with our girls, paid homage to the birthday of Diana Pepper by sending this out to sea together. It was quite beautiful! I’ll try to get some posted photos on our FB page!



skunk cabbage flower

Essence Skunk Cabbage flower essence encourages you to delight in being in a physical body on Earth. It impulses you to dig deep into the emotional and psychological muck creating stagnant constipated energy that blocks your ability to live life to the fullest. When you feel stuck or stagnant in your life and personal growth process, Skunk Cabbage Flower Essence will give you the “kick in the pants” to get moving again. It works through the sacral chakra and large intestine to release constipated physical, emotional, or psychological energy and to aid healing of deep skin issues. If what is no longer nourishing or useful cannot be excreted through the large intestine, it may turn toxic or try to be excreted through the skin.

As Skunk Cabbage Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM the transformation of stagnant life force into bright sunshine.

For more information about Skunk Cabbage Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence amber, aquamarine, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, Inca jade, orange calcite, red calcite, and sunstone – click the link below.



borage flower

Use Borage Flower Essence when focused on self-centered feelings of rigidity, sorrow, bitterness, or blame. The inability to genuinely express your true self can lead to a depressive state.

Borage Essence transforms deep-seated sorrow, bitterness, and blame by allowing these emotions to pass through the heart and higher heart chakras, flowing effortlessly into the throat chakra for heart-centered, and conscious speech imbued with Divine power. Borage Flower Essence shifts the tendency to be self-focused into showing care towards others who may also be experiencing difficulties.

As Borage Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM the alchemy of transforming sorrow and depression into caring conscious speech.

For more information about Borage Flower Essence, the sounds of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, blue calcite, blue kyanite, charoite, drusy quartz, icosahedron, kunzite, lapis lazuli, malachite, pink sapphire, quartz points, rose quartz, sodalite, and watermelon tourmaline – click the link.



San Juan Mugwort flower

San Juan Mugwort Flower Essence enhances your etheric sight by opening your third eye chakra. Use before journeying into an alternate mind state to help deepen your ability to interpret symbols, images, and information received during these sessions. San Juan Mugwort helps ground and apply the information into your daily life. Sometimes your consciousness may get pulled into an alternate reality while going about your daily activities in ordinary reality. In this situation, San Juan Mugwort Flower Essence helps you understand what is happening and interpret what you need to learn from this experience.

As San Juan Mugwort Essence Says Of Itself:

I AM the gateway to the grounded understanding of the interface between spiritual experience and daily life.

To learn more about San Juan Mugwort Flower Essence, the amber, amethyst, azeztulite, creedite, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, moldavite, quartz points, Tibetan quartz, and Unakite crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click the link.



Symptoms: Use Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you experience constipation or diarrhea, bloating, colon or skin cancer, TMJ, stiff spine, carpal tunnel syndrome, eczema, psoriasis, or chronic rashes. Symptoms of large intestine imbalance include holding onto old stuff, stagnation, feeling guilt or regret, and thinking you or situations are never good enough. People with large intestine imbalance are often stoic about loss or hardship, rigid, uptight, or perfectionists.

Action: The Large Intestine OEMB works through the energy circuits that surround the physical large intestines and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to them. It supports the large intestine in its job of final sorting and elimination. It activates letting go of what is no longer useful in your life. These include attitudes of not being good enough, emotions such as old grief or guilt, holding onto an old self-image, or a relationship that did not honor your worth. Unblocking these opens up more flexibility, movement, and change.

Get more information about the Large Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite, and rhodochrosite crystals that energetically charged by clicking on the link below.



Lung Flower Essence Blend

Symptoms: Use Lung Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you frequently experience shallow breathing, lung congestion, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, or colds. Sadness, grief, loss, rejection, abandonment, depression, longing, and a sense of emptiness are emotional symptoms of Lung imbalance that may lead structurally to a contracted, caved-in chest. A person with Lung system imbalance often has difficulty breathing in the energy of life prana – and exhaling into a fully engaging life.

Action: The Lung OEM Blend works through the energy circuits surrounding the physical lungs and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to them. This blend aligns you with the rhythmic order of life and breath. It supports the flow through and ease of the peripheral nervous system as you engage the ebb and flow of life and loss. Structurally, it encourages your chest to expand, while emotionally, you experience acceptance of your uniqueness and self. You begin to recognize your brilliance and regain a sense of worth as you share your true self with joy.

Learn more about the Lung Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, pink calcite, and rhodochrosite crystals that energetically charged this blend by clicking on the link.



Third Eye Chakra Essence Blend supports the healthy functioning of the Third Eye Chakra. The main themes of the Third Eye Chakra include sight, insight, experiencing beyond time and space, precognition, creative visualization, and clairvoyance. When the Third Eye Chakra is appropriately open and active you see/experience beyond time and space for clear intuition and insight. Through focused creative visualizations you create the possibilities for what will manifest into physical form. The pineal gland, which secretes melatonin, and the hypothalamus which directs thirst, hunger, and the biological clock, assist you to be calm, relaxed, and rested with balanced biorhythms while interacting with higher frequencies and dimensions.

The Third Eye Chakra is located at the center of the forehead slightly above the eyebrows. The associated endocrine glands are the pineal and hypothalamus glands. The third eye chakra relates to eyes. The frequency color is indigo blue. Element is light.

Click the link below for more information about the Third Eye Chakra Essence Blend and the angel wing spar, azurite, blue apatite, blue kyanite, cavansite, celestite cluster, drusy quartz, fluorite, iolite, pietersite crystals that energetically charged it.


Tree Frog Farm

Flower and Tree Essences

~ In Partnership with Nature ~

3679 Sunrise Road

Lummi Island, WA 98262


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