Experience Yourself as Unified Spirit!
I am so excited to introduce the Unified Spirit and Wholeness 15 Chakra Blend!! It has been in process for over 2 years. Friends, some customers, staff and I have all tried it. The immediate reaction is feeling brighter and tuned to a higher octave of Light. I’ve found it inspires me to be more expansive and heart-centered while being practical in daily life. And I feel integrated as a whole human being. A great feeling! It is also a wonderful mediation companion!
This blend enhances alignment & communication between the 7 Major Chakras and 8 other Chakras: Center of Earth, Earth Star, Feet, Higher Heart, Hands, Occipital, Soul Star and Spirit. Each of these is described on the Unified Spirit and Wholeness website page. There are other chakras between the Soul Star and Spirit Chakras. These will also be supported by this blend. However, my main focus, as always, is to support you, me, and all of us to be grounded in the physical body and to experience and live our spiritual practice in daily life. Truly there is no separation.
The Unified Spirit & Wholeness blend does not take the place of balancing and aligning an individual chakra. As an example, I typically take the Root, Sacral and Throat Chakra Blends early in the morning and Unified Spirit & Wholeness a little while later.

Unified Spirit and Wholeness is the culmination of the chakra products that are available through Tree Frog Farm. If you feel drawn to living as unified spirit and as a whole human being, please try it!
InJoy, Diana
Experience yourself as Unified Spirit! Bring that feeling into the fullness of your daily life as a whole human being! 🌟
Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence
Use Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence when you are ready to see beyond duality to the vastness that is the truth of who you are. It is a strong ally when you are out of touch with living as Spirit.
Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence helps you know yourself as Unified Spirit. It works through the Crown (7th), Soul (8th) and Spirit (9th) Chakras. The Spirit Chakra is the center, the heart of the Universe. At the same time the Spirit Chakra is everything and no-thing. The Beholder and the beheld are the same. The Witness and what is witnessed are the same. You, your body, mind and spirit are the Universe. Each cell, each molecule, each atom is the Universe. This is beyond duality. The mystics of all times have known this.
The Spirit Chakra extends through the vastness of space and connects to the Soul Chakra that is 12 to 18 inches above your head. The Soul Chakra relays this information of you as Unified Spirit to the Crown Chakra which sends this knowing down through the other chakras, which supports living a vibrant life attuned with Spirit.
Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence says of itself: I AM unified spirit in daily life.
For more information about Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence, imprints of eagle feather, sound of rattle and Spirit Song, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, azeztulite, clear apophyllite, creedite, danburite, drusy quartz, gold, golden topaz, Herkimer diamond, icosahedron cut quartz and quartz points – click on the picture.
Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence
Use Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence when feeling that your heart is closed, shut down, protected. This could manifest emotionally as feeling depressed, anxious or detached. Physically, even though you have a strong heart, you might find yourself having symptoms like minor heart palpitations. Spiritually, when your heart chakra is out of alignment with higher energies, you may feel lost or disconnected, without a heartfelt religious or spiritual path.
Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence opens, balances and connects your Heart Chakra with the World Heart and the Universal Heart. The World Heart emanates from the collective heart consciousness of all living Beings seen and unseen that live on Earth. This includes humans, animals, plants, Nature and Elemental Beings and the Earth. The Universal Heart emanates from all directions of space and time, from All-That–Is. Nootka Rose Essence clears your heart chakra through the inner and outer 9 dimensions of Earth’s energy layers to connect your personal heart with these higher energies. This connects you with Divine Love and enriches your relationships with loved ones, friends, your Self, Nature and All Beings.
As Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence says of itself: I AM awakening of Divine Love and Gratitude in daily life.
For more information about Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence, imprints of eagle feather and spirit song and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, drusy quartz, garnet, icosahedron quartz, morganite, nirvana quartz, pink cobalto calcite, pink opaque calcite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, and ruby – click on the picture.
Douglas Fir Tree Essence
Use Douglas Fir Tree Essence when you have difficulty stepping into your power, deciding what action to take, or grounding your ideas and plans into practical action. It is also helpful if you have difficulty emotionally or physically feeling strong and embodied in your legs.
Douglas Fir Tree Essence encourages you to listen to your heart as well as your mind when making decisions. On the energetic, emotional and physical levels, it grounds you fully into your legs by strengthening the energetic circuits that support the peripheral nervous system in the legs. This promotes feeling solidly rooted in your legs and engenders confidence to step out with heart-felt practical action.
Douglas Fir Tree Essence grounds the Root, Feet and Earth Star Chakras into the Center of the Earth Chakra.
As Douglas Fir Tree says of itself: I AM confident, practical, heart-felt and grounded action.
For more information about the Douglas Fir Tree Essence, the imprints of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically charged it-amber, black onyx, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, icosahedron quartz, Inca jade, pyrite, smokey quartz, tiger’s eye and vesuvianite – click on the picture.
Unified Spirit and Wholeness Chakra Essence Blend
Use Unified Spirit and Wholeness Chakra Essence Blend when you want to experience grounded spiritual illumination. It is helpful when you want to feel brighter and fully engaged with yourself, and when you want internal peace and to live with higher awareness. It inspires expansive, heart-centered, practical action as you walk in your soul’s purpose and helps you feel integrated as a whole human being.
Unified Spirit and Wholeness Chakra Blend enhances alignment & communication between 15 chakras including the 7 major chakras. This raises your energetic vibration to a higher octave of Light and helps you integrate that into daily life. Wonderful companion to your meditation practice!
The Unified Spirit & Wholeness blend does not take the place of balancing and aligning an individual chakra.
For more information about the Unified Spirit and Wholeness Chakra Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – adamite, drusy quartz, emerald, green calcite, kunzite, mangano calcite, prehnite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and watermelon tourmaline – click on the picture.
Heart Chakra Essence Blend
The Heart Chakra Flower Essence supports the healthy functioning of the Heart Chakra.

The main themes of the Heart Chakra include love, compassion, equanimity and peace. The web of life held together with love unifies spirit and matter creating balance and wholeness. Breath of life, prana. Emotional symptoms associated with the Heart Chakra are sadness, grief, sorrow, feeling bereft or heartbroken. When the Heart Chakra is in resonance with Life, feelings such as compassion, gratitude, joy, self-love, wonder and bliss fill your life. You become oriented to living in the present moment with peace and equanimity.
For more information about the Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – adamite, drusy quartz, emerald, green calcite, kunzite, mangano calcite, prehnite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and watermelon tourmaline – click on the picture.
Root Chakra Essence Blend
The Root Chakra Essence supports the healthy functioning of the Root Chakra and keeps you rooted to the Earth.
Survival, being grounded, and unity within family, tribe, group and collective consciousness are main themes of the Root Chakra. It is a direct link to your ancestral genetic inheritance.
Symptoms of the Root Chakra include shock, fear for physical safety and the fight/flight/freeze response leading to panic. A person with a sluggish Root Chakra is concerned primarily with their family, tribe or group to the exclusion of others. Living in the past with an inability to release memories, including debilitating memories of birth, early childhood or other life traumas is another symptom of the Root Chakra being out of balance. The Root Chakra supports you to live in the present to competently manage everyday issues and receive material abundance.
For more information about the Root Chakra Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically grounded it – aragonite star cluster, drusy quartz, red aventurine, red calcite, red jasper and smokey quartz – click on the picture.
Suggested Reading:
Earth, The Toughest boot Camp in the Universe
By Elizabeth Taylor-Wey
I haven’t quite finished this book but can’t wait to tell you about it! Elizabeth is a customer who sent me her book thinking I might enjoy it. Was she ever right! I’ve read many books about past life regression and receiving information from our subconscious minds. This is one of the best.
Elizabeth brings a warm heart and skilled inquiry to leading her clients’ explorations. She compassionately reassures people who have had or are currently having difficult lives that there is purpose for the soul’s development and helps them to understand it. I found each client’s experience brings a wealth of insight that resonates to some degree with my life. My favorites are people who had lives a nature elementals, because I am part faery! Enjoy!
InJoy, Diana
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