Grief feel different to me during different times of the year. Winter grief is quiet and deep. Spring grief feels hopeful. Summer grief is comforted by the beauty of flowers and vegetables growing. Fall grief is about letting go. It is gut wrenching at times. At other times fall grief feels serene and beautiful as leaves fall.
Both of my parents died in the fall. My Stepmother died this autumn. Last fall I found out I have cancer, a loss of life as I knew it. This fall I start a new round of treatments, an opportunity for a new adventure. For two weeks our kitty went through a serious time of not eating or drinking. We weren’t sure if she would make it but, gratefully, she is recovering.
Lung and Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blends and Clear the Air Aromatherapy Mister are my constant allies now. Oceanspray and Coltsfoot Flower Essences are in all three products. Borage is a key essence in the Lung Organ Blend and Clear the Air Mister. All of these are on special through October. May they support you, too, during this season of letting go, grief and new possibilities.

There is also much beauty in the fall season. We don’t have the magnificent leaf color displays like the east coast does. But we do have some fall color accented by evergreens. Hope you enjoy this photo as much I enjoyed experiencing the beauty.
InJoy, Diana
Support yourself with flower essences during this season of grief, and step into the new possibilities that await you!
Oceanspray Flower Essence
Use Oceanspray Flower Essence when covering over deep grief, sorrow and heartache while taking care of daily life as if everything is fine. The grief and heartache could be from loss of a loved one, loss of a dream of how your life will unfold, loss of trust in people you thought were trust-worthy or loss of innocence from trauma or abuse. This may be such an ingrained way of being that you don’t even realize you are doing it. You may cover over feeling vulnerable by staying busy. Deep skin issues, like eczema, respiratory problems or feeling disconnected from your joyful Presence can be indicators that this essence would be helpful.
Oceanspray Flower Essence allows old grief, sorrow and heartache to surface and be released. It opens you to feel the compassion and protection of your Angels and Guides during the process of healing. And Oceanspray Flower Essence encourages living in your own jubilant Presence, which brings a genuine sense of calm and tranquility.

As Oceanspray Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM connection to your light hearted, jubilant Presence during times of grief.
For more information about Oceanspray Flower Essence, sounds of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, aquamarine, black obsidian, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, kunzite, morganite, and rose quartz – click here.
Borage Flower Essence
Use Borage Flower Essence when you are being self-centered, rigid and focused on sorrow, bitterness and blame. This can lead to depression that makes you unable to feel and genuinely express your true feelings.
Borage Essence transforms deep seated sorrow, bitterness and blame as they pass through the heart and higher heart chakras, then flowing effortlessly, pours forth from your throat chakra as heart-centered conscious speech imbued with Divine power. Borage Flower Essence shifts a tendency of being self-focused toward caring for other people who are also experiencing difficulties.

As Borage Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM the alchemy of transforming sorrow and depression into caring conscious speech.
For more information about Borage Flower Essence, the sounds of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, blue calcite, blue kyanite, charoite, drusy quartz, icosahedron, kunzite, lapis, malachite, pink sapphire, quartz points, rose quartz, sodalite and watermelon tourmaline – click here.
Coltsfoot Flower Essence
Use Coltsfoot Essence when you are tentative, holding back from engaging fully in life, feel afraid or don’t have the energy to learn new things or be in new situations. This essence is wonderful when you are starting a new adventure or struggling to stay with a challenging situation, assignment or project that is taking longer than expected. It is supportive for people who are exhausted by grief.
Coltsfoot Flower Essence instills physical and emotional vitality when you are exhausted and weary from challenging situations. It relieves hesitations to fully engage new adventures, including the extended evolutionary process. It relieves old self-imposed limitations to your creativity and encourages deeply focused joyful activity. The energy of Coltsfoot Flower Essence is invigorating and exuberant yet calm and helps you to access multi-dimensional guidance on how to use this renewed level of energy.

As Coltsfoot Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM focused exuberance and vitality for new adventures and challenging situations.
For more information about Coltsfoot Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, black tourmaline, blue topaz, charoite, drusy quartz, green aventurine, green calcite, gold (raw), icosahedron cut quartz and red jasper – click here.
Metal Element (Air) Fall: Lung Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend
Use Lung Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you frequently experience shallow breathing, lung congestion, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma or colds. Sadness, grief, loss, rejection, abandonment, depression longing and sense of emptiness are emotional symptoms of Lung imbalance that may lead structurally to a contracted, caved-in chest. A person with Lung system imbalance often has difficulty breathing in the energy of life – prana – and exhaling to fully engage life.

The Lung OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical lungs and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to them. This blend aligns you with the rhythmic order of life, breath. It supports flow through the peripheral nervous system as you engage the ebb and flow of life and loss with ease. Structurally, it encourages your chest to expand as, emotionally, you experience acceptance for your unique self. You begin to recognize your brilliance, your self-worth and to share your true self with joy.
According to the Chinese 5 Element understanding of health, the metal element’s season is fall and the yin meridian is lung, which is most active from 3am to 5am.
For more information about the Lung Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite and rhodochrosite – click here.
Metal Element (Air) Fall: Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend
Use Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience constipation or diarrhea, bloating, colon or skin cancer, TMJ, stiff or spine, carpal tunnel syndrome, eczema, psoriasis or chronic rashes. Emotional symptoms of large intestine imbalance include holding onto old stuff, stagnation, feeling guilt or regret, thinking you or situations are never good enough. People with large intestine imbalance are often stoic about loss or hardship, rigid, up tight or perfectionists.

The Large Intestine OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical large intestines and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to them. It supports the large intestine in its job of the final sorting and elimination. The Large Intestine Blend activates letting of what is no longer useful on any level in your life – attitudes like not good enough, emotions like old grief or guilt, and old self-images or relationships that do not honor your worth. Physically, it unblocks stagnation and rigidity allowing flexibility, movement and change.
According to the Chinese 5 Element understanding of health, the metal element’s season is fall and the yang meridian is large intestine, which is most active from 5am to 7am.
For more information about the Large Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite and rhodochrosite – click here.
Clear The Air Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Mister
The Clear the Air Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister has a clean, refreshing scent. Spray around your head and body or around a room for an instant shift to energetic balance.
The actions of the flower essences and essential oils – eucalyptus, clary sage and thyme – encourage you to let go and breathe in life!

It supports clear communication while experiencing grief or sorrow.
Clear the Air encourages stepping into new adventures with zest!
Clear the Air opens the respiratory system and is effective with colds or allergies. Mildly antimicrobial.
Great as a room freshener!
For more information about Clear the Air Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister and the crystals that energetically charged it – blue aragonite, drusy quartz, Inca jade and ocean jasper – click here.
Suggested Reading
I recently saw a KarmaTube video of Robin Wall Kimmerer speaking on “The Teachings of Grass” at a Bioneers conference. Link below.
This is a wonderful and moving multimedia video about applying the indigenous teachings of her ancestors.
It also reminded me of her book, Braiding Sweet Grass. I can’t say enough good things about this book! She writes in poetic prose of her life walking in two worlds and describes her experiences in nature so eloquently and detailed that I felt as if I was experiencing them mysel. An inspiring read for all nature lovers. A must read for those of us who feel the gentle power of the feminine in nature and want to live that gentle yet deeply moving power in our daily lives.
InJoy, Diana
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