October can bring forth a state of immersion into ourselves and is often associated with grief. This is a natural process, in line with the end of harvest when the veil between worlds is getting thinner, and Mother Nature begins her descent into hibernation.
Staying heart-centered during this time and realigning your inner rainbow of chakras from the ground up helps to keep a balance. It is Libra season, after all! We will be honoring what would’ve been Diana’s 73rd Earth-year birthday on the 16th, along with the fairies here at Tree Frog Farm. Stu, our other Libra, has a birthday this weekend on the 8th.
The Unified Spirit & Wholeness 15 Chakra Essence Blend is getting a new look soon. We should have it out by the end of this year.
In Gratitude – Rhaychell & Stu
Use the Root Chakra Essence Blend when you experience shock, fear for physical safety, the fight/flight/freeze response leading to panic, living in the past with an inability to release memories, and fear of scarcity.
The main themes of the root chakra supported by the Root Chakra Essence Blend are survival, becoming and staying grounded to the earth, and unity within the family/human collective.
Use the Solar Plexus Chakra Essence Blend when you experience mind chatter, obsessive unfocused thinking, brain fog, habits of inertia, and procrastination. Common emotions are worry, anxiety, anger, shame, disappointment, envy, and jealousy.
Calming mind chatter, using higher thinking to regulate emotions, engaging will, and sustaining energy to create and manifest are the main themes of the Solar Plexus Chakra that are supported by the Solar Plexus Chakra Flower Essence Blend.
Use the Throat Chakra Essence Blend when you experience difficulty expressing truth and feelings, have a habit of thinking or speaking negatively about yourself and others, and are unable to think and verbalize what you want to create.
Communication, creativity through sound, vibrational resonance, and clairaudience are the main themes of the Throat Chakra that are supported by the Throat Chakra Flower Essence Blend.
Use the Crown Chakra Essence Blend when you experience headaches, alienation, boredom, apathy, and inability to learn because the Crown Chakra is too closed. Use the Crown Chakra Essence Blend when you experience being detached from the world, dizziness, and mental disorders because the Crown Chakra is too open.
The main themes supported by the Crown Chakra Essence Blend are consciousness, higher thought, selflessness, integrity, wisdom, spiritual awareness, and non-duality.
Use the Sacral Chakra Essence Blend when you experience low self-esteem, taking things personally, anger, guilt, regret, and being emotionally dependent.
The main themes of the sacral chakra that are supported by the Sacral Chakra Flower Essence Blend are emotions, duality of self vs. other, cooperation vs. competition, and physical empowerment.
Use the Heart Chakra Essence Blend when you shut off feelings, and become emotionally disabled and self-destructive. Common emotions are sadness, grief, sorrow, feeling bereft or heartbroken.
Love, compassion, equanimity, and peace are the main themes of the Heart Chakra. The web of life held together with love unifies spirit and matter creating balance and wholeness. Breath of life, prana. All of these are supported by the Heart Chakra Essence Blend.
Use the Third Eye Chakra Essence Blend when you relate only to the physical world to the exclusion of anything non-physical or, alternately, want to live only from what you see as spiritual. Useful when you have difficulty interpreting what you see during psychic openings, meditation, or journeying, or when ordinary and etheric realities intertwine.
Sight, insight, experiencing beyond time and space, precognition, creative visualization, clairvoyance and safely opening your etheric sight are the main themes of the Third Eye Chakra, aka Brow Chakra, that are supported by the Third Eye Chakra Flower Essence Blend.
8 Unified Spirit & Wholeness
Use Unified Spirit and Wholeness Essence Blend when you want to experience grounded spiritual illumination. It is helpful when you want to feel brighter and fully engaged with yourself, and when you want internal peace and to live with higher awareness. It inspires expansive, heart-centered, practical action as you walk in your soul’s purpose and helps you feel integrated as a whole human being.
Get our Chakra Flower Essence Blends in a Box Set of either 6 or 8. Available in 1/2 fl oz size bottles.
Book Recommendation:
If you like books on herbalism, self-healing, plant medicine, plant knowledge, ect, I highly recommend ‘One Time Around The Wheel’ by author Sean Croke of Hawthorn School of Plant Medicine.
Tree Frog Farm Flower and Tree Essences
~ In Partnership with Nature ~
3679 Sunrise Road
Lummi Island, WA 98262