Autumn, the transition between Summer and Fall, is a time of change. Leaves start turning yellow and red. Temperatures start to get cooler in the morning yet still warm in the afternoon. Summer vacations are over. As school starts again for kids, families, teachers, and other school employees; schedules go from easy-going, to outlined by the hour.
Stu started driving the school bus again for kids going to Beach Grade School on Lummi Island. He does that for a couple of hours in the early mornings and late afternoons. That gives him time to work here at Tree Frog Farm in between. Residence here on Lummi Island get an extra jolt each Autumn; our car ferry goes into dry dock annual maintenance each September. (we use a passenger-only boat during this time). With all of this sudden change, it is common to feel uneasy, unsettled, ungrounded, and overwhelmed.
Autumn, in the Chinese 5 Element Theory, relates to the Stomach and Spleen Organ Meridian Systems. Another blend that is very supportive during this time is No Worry Be Happy. I’m offering these along with Woodland Strawberry and Goat’s Beard flower essences and Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence. Woodland Strawberry and Grandmother Big Leaf Maple essences are in all three blends. Additionally, Goat’s Beard flower essence is in the Stomach and Spleen Blends. All of these are on Special during September.
Hope you enjoy the photo of Autumn color on a foggy morning at Tree Frog
InJoy, Diana
This Autumn support yourself in feeling calm, collected, grounded, and easy-going with flower essences. Enjoy this beautiful time of year!
Stomach Organ Energy Meridian System
Use Stomach Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience worry, anxiety, feeling unsafe, ungrounded, and have codependent relationships. It is effective with sinus problems, headaches in the forehead, and TMJ. Other symptoms of the Stomach system out of balance include; surface skin issues like minor rashes, digestive issues like nausea, reflux, eating disorders, or ulcers. The stomach system digests food and experiences, provides nourishment and a sense of stability, and a centered place on Earth.
The Stomach Essence Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical stomach; and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It balances your appetite for food and stimulates your appetite for life. It helps resolve digestive issues, encourages self-nourishment, gracefully receiving abundance, and supports strong, flexible muscles. This blend helps support stepping out into the world with centered confidence; creating nourishing relationships, and facing the challenges of life with balanced emotions. The Stomach System is the yang to the Spleen System’s Yin.
For more information about Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the; drusy quartz, fire agate, Inca jade, malachite, peridot, red jasper, and sunstone crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.
Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend
Use Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you have obsessive thinking; foggy-headedness, poor memory, fatigue, lack of will, feeling deep emptiness, swelling edema, challenged immune system, and fertility issues. A person with spleen system imbalance often has lots of ideas but lacks the motivation or groundedness to implement them.
The Spleen Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical spleen; and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend activates balanced blood sugar regulation, healthy immune responses, and fertility.
Structurally it supports strong, flexible muscles. Mentally, it calms excessive and obsessive thinking by rerouting that energy back into the body for life energy. Emotionally, it uses this life force energy for motivation and will to put ideas into action. It provides a deep sense of
inner home, of living in your body.
For more information about Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the; drusy quartz, fire agate, Inca jade, malachite, peridot, red jasper, and sunstone crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.
No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend
The No Worry Be Happy blend of flower and tree essences supports flowing easily through your day; focused on lighthearted playful joy and gratitude instead of troubles and worries. Anxiousness and worry occur when the energies of thinking and feeling get mixed together; between the cognitive brain and emotional heart functions when there are misalignment’s within
the mental and emotional energy fields, and when you lose touch with your higher wisdom.
The No Worry Be Happy Blend brings you back to your multidimensional heart; while calming your mind and reconnecting you to your inner knowing. When you feel unhappy, anxious, or overwhelmed by the demands of your life, it lifts your spirits, soothes your mind, and settles your body. It encourages emotional balance and feeling at ease with yourself and your experiences.
For more information about No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend, and the blue phantom quartz, charoite, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, and white and red stilbite crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.
Woodland Strawberry Flower Essence
Use Woodland Strawberry Flower Essence when stuck in an emotionally charged mental loop unable to separate thoughts from feelings. Helpful when wanting to create certainty in an uncertain world. Feeling anxious, worrying yourself to exhaustion and tears; worrying yourself sick leads to jumbled thinking during the day and disrupted sleep patterns at night.
As Woodland Strawberry Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM calm acceptance, clear thinking, and authentic feeling in an uncertain world.
For more information about Woodland Strawberry Essence, the imprints of redtail hawk feathers, the sound of the rattle, and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice, and the amber, clear and green apophyllite, charoite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, larimar, lepidolite, sodalite, watermelon tourmaline, white and red stilbite, and ruby in zoisite crystals that energetically grounded this essence – click on the picture.
Goat’s Beard Flower Essence
Use Goat’s Beard Flower Essence when you feel rushed, jittery, ungrounded, frayed, overwhelmed, or unstable in your body.
Goat’s Beard Flower Essence grounds you deeply into your body in a relaxed, openhearted, easeful way. It helps you to feel sure-footed, confident, inquisitive, and calm as you step into the fullness of your life. Goat’s Beard Essence is very useful when you would rather live as Spirit instead of being in a physical body because it enables you to experience Earth as your home, a nurturing place, and your body as the vehicle to wholeheartedly enjoy living.
As Goat’s Beard Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM at home, relaxed and nurtured living on Earth.
For more information about Goat’s Beard Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, andalusite, black onyx, bloodstone, blue quartz with blue tourmaline inclusions, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, icosahedron quartz, Inca jade, and red jasper – click on the picture.
Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence
Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence assists you to relax and reconnect to feelings; safety and serenity, like a child that is being held and nurtured by a loving grandmother. From this place of safety, your body can relax and begin to release the symptoms created by your previous distress.
(Plant Spirit or Deva) of the Big Leaf Maple tree and the spirit of the individual tree (spirit, dryad, or faun) both imbued their frequencies into the essence. This maple tree is very old. The wise and gentle dryad that inhabits this tree brings the energy of “Grandmother” to this essence.
As Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence says of itself:
I AM loving grandmotherly arms surrounding you with nurturing, peaceful safety.
For more information about Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence, the rattle and spirit song imprints, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, blue aragonite, blue calcite, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, icosahedron cut quartz, lapis lazuli, Peruvian pink opal and rose quartz – click on the picture.