April 2018: Spring Green Empowered Action

It is spring in the Pacific Northwest! Lots of native plants are blooming, garden perennials are waking up and the rufous hummingbirds are back. It is the time of the Wood Element, and of plants sprouting upward out of the soil- like our little red shiso starts.

Wood is representative of all of the elements. Trees connect Heaven and Earth and are a metaphor for the human body-mind-spirit connection. (The trees here are amazing! Over 120-foot tall cedar, firs and alders!) They bring rain, take up water, collect the warmth of the sun then give us oxygen to breath, medicines to heal us, wood to build with and firewood to warm our homes.

The liver and gallbladder organ systems relate to the wood element. I use the Liver and Gallbladder Organ Blends on a regular basis to support these systems and to empower myself into action. Spotted Coral Root Orchid, Vine Maple Tree and Red Huckleberry Essences are in both the Liver and Gallbladder Organ Blends. All of these are on special through mid-April.

Happy Spring!

InJoy, Diana

Feel the green! Grow yourself into empowered action this spring!

Spotted Coral Root Orchid Flower Essence

Spotted Coral Root Essence works through the field of energy information and the energy circuits throughout the body that relate to hormonal and biochemical shifts. It treats the changing biochemistry as fuel, much like geothermal or biomass energy. It uses this fuel to transform the decomposing emotional and biochemical patterns to more evolved emotional and biochemical patterns. For example, transforming self-reproach to self-love, or transforming hot flashes and headaches to peaceful ease in the body. It harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.

As Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM peaceful ease and self-love while transforming emotional and energetic patterns to higher functioning.

For more information about Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence –  amber, bloodstone, chrysoprase, drusy quartz, fire agate, green tourmaline, icosahedron quartz, Peruvian pink opal, rose quartz and tiger’s eye – click on the picture.

Vine Maple Tree Essence

Vine Maple Tree Essence assists you to retrain self-critical thinking patterns into self-honoring thinking patterns, so you can offer your unique Self and your unique gifts to the world. Examples would be “this hasn’t been a strength of mine in the past so now I’m learning to….”, “I’ve decided to follow my heart, even if other people think I am too old to…”, “Yes, I can…” The way you think about yourself and talk to yourself is the first step toward empowering your life and manifesting your true Self. There is a tenderness and self-love aspect to this essence. Instead of falling into victim mode of fear and mistrust, Vine Maple Tree Essence instills a feeling of trust that things will work out. The trust comes from a quiet sense of personal power – not outwardly displayed, but quietly lived.

Vine Maple Tree Essence says of itself:

I AM empowered through self-love to honor and respect myself.

For more information about Vine Maple Tree Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, charoite, drusy quartz, garnet, icosahedron cut quartz, lapis, red aventurine, smokey quartz, and white and red stilbite – click on the picture.

Red Huckleberry Flower Essence

Red Huckleberry Flower Essence awakens within you the understanding that everyday plans and tasks have a multidimensional aspect. It brings you into alignment with the Guidance to access this multidimensional information. Red Huckleberry Essence reorganizes energetic brain functions related to easy comprehension of daily organizing then assists you to think through tasks, make plans and take action. Instead of being caught in mental confusion, impatience, frustration or anger use Red Huckleberry Flower Essence to instill patience with the process.

Red Huckleberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM ease with creating order, making plans and taking action.

For more information about Red Huckleberry Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence –  amber, bloodstone, blue & violet fluorite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, lepidolite, lithium (purple) quartz, malachite, sugilite and tiger’s eye – click on the picture.

Liver Energy Meridian Blend

The liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body. It secretes biochemicals, including bile, that support digestion and other metabolic processes. It stores glycogen to be released into the blood as glucose for quick energy. The liver synthesizes blood plasma proteins, decomposes spent red blood cells and breaks down toxins. It is necessary for life.

Symptoms: Use the Liver Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have liver disease or problems with physical liver functions. Rules joints, including hips, connective tissue and muscular structure. Arthritis is a common symptom. May have eye problems and headaches behind the eyes. The main emotional patterns are anger turned in on yourself, self-critical, victim, or addictions. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 1AM – 3AM.

Action: The Liver OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical liver and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It supports the healthy functioning of the liver and can assist “liver” headaches. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and use anger as motivation for change. It facilitates clear thinking in liver’s role as the big picture planner, organizer and implementer. Supports detoxifying.

For more information about the Liver OEM Blend and the black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz and sugilite that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend

The gallbladder is the back up to the liver. It stores the bile secreted by the liver, clears it of water and other substances, and secretes it into the digestive tract to digest fats.

Symptoms: Use Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have gallstones or other gallbladder diseases. Rules joints, including hips, connective tissue and muscular structure. TMJ and headaches around the side of the head are common symptoms. The main emotional patterns are bitterness, cynicism and anger turned outward at authority figures, objects, or when a creative process is disrupted. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 11PM – 1AM.

Actions: The Gallbladder OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical gallbladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It supports the healthy functioning of the gallbladder and can assist “gallbladder” headaches. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and channel anger toward creative solutions. It facilitates clear thinking in gallbladder’s role as the strategist, decision maker and implementer of effective action. Supports detoxifying. For more information about the Gallbladder OEM Blend and the black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz and sugilite that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

2018 Practitioner Training Course

As an Herbalist, I was trained to put remedies together intellectually. They are good blends, and they work, but in the Flower Essence Practitioner class I got a chance to become familiar with using a pendulum to put remedies together. Under Diana’s skilled guidance, using this and other intuitive methods, I learned to take my remedies to the next level. Allowing this higher wisdom to come through, the blends are simply amazing. Diana’s teaching methods support each student in taking her intuitive abilities to the next level, in service of healing for all. I use my pendulum constantly now.”

Michele, Herbalist, Bellingham, WA

Please let us know if you have questions or are interested. Purchase classes here. 

Level I Class 1 • May 4-6 • $510

Level I Class 1 & 2 • May 4-6 & July 6-8 • $885

Register for both classes by April 9th SAVE $135

After April 9th full price is $1,020

Level II • May, July, October 19-21 • $1,210

Register for both Levels I & II by April 9th SAVE $190

After April 9th full price is $1,390


Personal Consultations with Diana

Diana doing phone consultation with flower and tree essences in front of her.

Experience a personal flower essence consultation or energy healing session with Diana! She will create a custom bottle of flower essences to support your personal healing and growth. And you may include an energy balancing, or shamanic journey experience if you’d like.

Contact Diana at 360-758-7260 or consultations@treefrogfarm.com

Click here (link) for more information.

Suggested Viewing

dirt! The Movie: A story with heart and soil.

dirt! Is one of John’s and my all-time favorite movies. Not too surprising since he is part gnome and I am part faery.

Narrated by Jaimie Lee Curtis, this insightful and timely film tells the story of the glorious and unappreciated dirt beneath our feet. Four billion years of evolution have created the soil that recycles our water, gives us food, and provides us with shelter. But humanity has endangered this vital living resource with destructive methods of agriculture, mining practices, and urban development, with catastrophic results: mass starvation, drought, and global warming.

The filmmakers traveled around the world to capture the stories of global visionaries who are discovering new ways to repair humanity’s relationship with soil. They talked with Dr. Vandana Shiva in India, tree planter Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia in Brazil. They met with traditional farmers and those rediscovering sustainable agriculture, with scientists discovering connections with soil, inmates learning job skills in a prison horticulture program and children eating from edible schoolyards. Watch and partake of the feast that comes from Dirt!

InJoy, Diana