Weekend Sale – Regardless, Enjoy and Play Box Set

Regardless, Enjoy and Play!


Spring is here! Happy Equinox – May the coming months bring you prosperity and many blessings to come.

A positive mind-set in an increasingly negative atmosphere is an often scoffed at notion when you are faced with worries and fears. There is much uncertainty in the world right now, and the effects it has on us including increased levels of stress, hopelessness, feelings of despair, and anger, is not just felt on the emotional level. It directly effects our health and wellness. If you are struggling to find joy in your life, or wish you could return to a more carefree and lighthearted approach to life, you can! Let the awakening earth with her signs of spring and new life emerging remind you that there is a cycle to life, and to enjoy as many moments of it as you can.

The essences in this set of six remind you that regardless of life’s circumstances, you can still play and rejoice in being in the here and now as a soul having a human experience. They support feeling your deepest emotions about these circumstances while staying in touch with your true, spiritual self, and engaging in and enjoying life with the playful innocence of a child nonetheless!

With Love and Gratitude, Rhaychell


Weekend Sale Alert!

Get this Box Set of 6 essences or any of the individual essences featured here on special now through Monday and save 15%!! Saving money feels nice! 🙂


Evergreen Huckleberry – When a process or stages of development feel like they will never end, Evergreen Huckleberry essence transforms the disheartened malaise of joyless stress into engaging in life with curiosity, enthusiasm, and deep stillness. Releases the feeling of being responsible for things of which you have little or no control over.

Devil's Club

Devil’s Club – Provides support and comfort when life’s experiences have drained your inspiration and will to continue. Devil’s Club essence transforms thorns into a healing balm and reconnects you to your spiritual roots.


Oceanspray – Supports connecting with your lighthearted, jubilant presence to resolve the undertow of sorrow below the illusion of calm and tranquility.


ThimbleberryCultivates engaging in daily life with joy and gratitude without being attached to the circumstances or a specific outcome.


Fairy Rose of the Blue MoonEncourages you to enliven your transformational process through conscious Divine play with friends of Light.


Pink Wild HoneysuckleRestores childlike joy, playfulness, innocence and openness. Inspires being enthralled with the magic in each moment. Encourages focusing on what is fun, happy and feels good instead of what is wrong or might happen.


Flower and Tree Essences

~ In Partnership with Nature ~

3679 Sunrise Road

Lummi Island, WA 98262




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Disclaimer: Please listen to your inner guidance when making healthcare-related choices for yourself and your family. Flower essences treat the whole person and can be used to support the healing of specific symptoms. However, flower essences and any other products offered by Tree Frog Farm, are not meant to be used as substitutes for necessary medical care. Seek the advice of a qualified health-care professional for all medically related issues.