Clear the Air Aromatherapy Mister


Product Code: CTA02

Clear the Air Essence and Aromatherapy Mister has a clean, refreshing scent. Spray around your head and body, or a room for an instant shift of energetic balance. 
Let go and breathe in life! 
Encourages clear communication while experiencing grief or sorrow.
Supports stepping into new adventures with zest!

Opens the respiratory system. Effective with colds or allergies. Mildly antimicrobial.

Fresh, clean scent.  Great as a room freshener or mood refresher!

Flower Essences in this Mister:

Borage - May the welling up of sorrow and depression be transmuted as they pass through your higher heart chakra then, flowing effortlessly, pour forth from your throat chakra as heart-centered conscious speech imbued with Divine power.

Coltsfoot - Joyfully engage in new adventures and challenging situations with physical stamina and vitality. Access multidimensional guidance to focus this exuberant energy.

Oceanspray – Supports connecting with your light-hearted, jubilant Presence to resolve the undertow of grief and heartache below the illusion of calm and tranquility.  

Trailing Blackberry – Works at a deep subconscious level to shift beliefs and emotional imprints that keep you from joyfully speaking your truth and power. 

Essential Oils in this Mister:

Eucalyptus- supports the immune system and treats upper respiratory issues such as colds and congestion. Lifts the spirits and restores vitality. Clears conflict or negative energies. Antibacterial and antiviral.

Clary Sage - Calming, lessens pain, encourages communication.

Thyme - Mood uplifting, helps to breathe, improves mental clarity. Antimicrobial and antiseptic.

These oils may cause side effects during pregnancy. Do not use it if you are pregnant.

Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:

Inca Jade - Encourages you to delight in life, this time of being Spirit in the world of matter. Strengthens the physical and energetic bodies.

Ocean Jasper - Calming and protective. It heals emotions, lifts your mood, brings joy and peace.

Blue Aragonite - Emotionally soothing and comforting. Assists in healing past and present emotional wounds. Encourages embracing fully everything that life brings.

Drusy quartz crystals - energize and stabilize your subtle bodies.


Spray around your head and body or a room for an instant shift into energetic balance.

Clear the Air Aromatherapy Mister:(30 ml/ 1 oz. bottle)

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