Spotted Coral Root Orchid Flower Essence


About Red Shiso Base

Product Code: SPO21

How Spotted Coral Root Orchid Flower Essence Helps You:


Use Spotted Coral Root Orchid Flower Essence when experiencing significant hormonal or biochemical shifts, usually with accompanying emotional/mood shifts. This can include puberty, pregnancy, post-partum, peri-menopause, or rapid spiritual growth. Likewise, Spotted Coral Root Essence is also helpful when life changes, including rapid spiritual growth, create emotional shifts that can trigger biochemical shifts. This could include, for example, healing deep trauma, a sudden relocation, or a change in financial condition. In any of these situations, you may experience power surges (hot flashes), sweats, nervous agitation, mood swings, headaches, dizziness, achiness, or a sense of general body stress. Also beneficial when you are physically overheated.
In these times of rapid universal, planetary, and personal change, we are impulsed by high-frequency energies. Much of this comes in through our chakra system. Each chakra is connected to a nexus of nerves in the spinal cord and brain and influences an endocrine gland. According to Candice Pert, PhD., who wrote the book Molecules of Emotion, emotions – expressed through hormones, peptides, and other biochemicals - exist as energy and matter as they course through our bloodstream and connect with the vibrating receptors on every cell in the body. The quantum field of power and the biochemical activity influence how we feel, emote, think, and behave.
The above-mentioned symptoms can relate to the body’s attempt to integrate these higher frequencies. Many people are experiencing several of the situations mentioned above simultaneously. If you are experiencing hormonal or emotional shifts due to other influences - perhaps healing a deep trauma, while going through menopause, this may accentuate the intensity of the symptoms.
Spotted Coral Root Essence works via the quantum field of energy information and the body's energy circuits that relate to hormonal and biochemical shifts. It treats the changing biochemistry as fuel, like geothermal or biomass energy. It uses this fuel to transform the decomposing emotional and biochemical patterns into more evolved patterns. For example: it is transforming self-reproach to self-love, or transforming hot flashes and headaches to peaceful ease in the body. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.
Spotted Coral Root Essence also supports feeling a loving connection with your heart and the Divine Heart during this process.


How Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence Was Made:

This essence was made by the “no-pick” method of working directly with the plant spirit. While the essence was being made, amber, bloodstone, chrysoprase, drusy quartz, fire agate, green tourmaline, icosahedron quartz, Peruvian pink opal, rose quartz,and tiger’s eye crystals were placed among the plants with the storage (mother) bottles. The sun acts as a transformer to step down spiritual energies from higher dimensions. While the essence was being made, Amber acted as a lens to receive and focus sunlight for this purpose. Bloodstone instills courage and helps you recognize the beneficial aspects of turmoil before balance. It rebalances your base, sacral, navel, heart chakras, energy fields, and total body during the realignment of these energies. Chrysoprase aids you in seeing karmic influences in emotional patterns, healing a wide range of emotional imbalances, and releasing old belief systems and actions. Drusy quartz crystals help to energize and stabilize your subtle bodies. Fire Agate initiates waking up from the sleep of living a safe, routine life and inspires a zest for living authentically and passionately with joy. Green Tourmaline helps you overcome the fear of change and enlivens your energy fields. It stimulates healthy cellular reproduction and strengthens the heart.
Icosahedron cut quartz has 20 (5X4) equilateral sides. It bridges the 5th Dimension - the entry into the unified Spiritual realms - and the four cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) on Earth. Peruvian pink opal clears and calms the heart and brings a sense of peace and tranquility. Rose Quartz encourages gentleness, emotional healing, and uniting with the Divine; it shifts your body from stress-based physiology to a higher frequency of Love-based physiology. Tiger Eye assists you in balancing the physical with the spiritual in daily life. Balances and strengthens the endocrine system, bringing your hormones and biochemistry into balance. The crystals' actions inform how this flower essence seats into the body/mind.
While the Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence was being made, the sound of the rattle, spirit song coming through Diana's voice, and eagle feather were imprinted into the essence.

Spotted Coral Root Summary:

Spotted Coral Root Orchid (Corallorhiza maculata) – Harness the fuel created through decomposition when breaking down and releasing old emotional and energetic patterns. Use this fuel to peacefully transform your biochemistry, moods, and beliefs into higher possibilities. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.




As The Essence Says Of Itself:


I AM peaceful ease and self-love while transforming emotional and energetic patterns into higher functioning.


Herbal, Food & Wildlife Qualities:

The Spotted Coral Root Orchid is native to the Pacific Coastal region of North America. It grows in the rich humus of moist to dry coniferous or mixed forests at low to middle elevations. Spotted Coral Root has a pink to reddish-purple color and a white lip with magenta spots. It is saprophytic, meaning it doesn’t have chlorophyll to make its food. Instead, it derives nutrients from decaying organic matter and contributes to the decomposition and recycling of organic material.


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