* Higher Heart of Unity Consciousness - Box Set of 8


About Red Shiso Base

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Product Code: HIGHTD0C84




The essences in this set support you on all levels during this process. They help you stay calm, peaceful, heart-centered, and compassionate with yourself and others while letting go of old habits of fear. They assist your nervous system and brain to adjust to the new frequencies and remind you that we are designed to be multidimensional humans. Instils courage, fortitude, and clear vision when so many people are projecting fear about the evolutionary leap we are experiencing. In short, they are spiritual friends and allies during this highly transformative time on Earth.

Flow into Heart-Centered Unity Consciousness by attuning your higher heart to the time wave of the Galactic Center. May all people remember that we are kin, that we are ONE with Everything!




Garnet Hollyhock Flower Essence: Invites you to access the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy through the gateway of your higher heart. Supports you to live from this expanded higher-heart-centered awareness

Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence: Supports compassion for yourself and others. Wrap yourself in the pink light of Divine Love - let go of fear and be safely at peace in your Heart’s Home.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose Flower Essence: Calibrates the unfolding of the Higher Heart chakra as it begins to operate as a conductor of higher frequency heart energy into your physical body. It assists your nervous system to integrate these frequencies without becoming overstimulated.

Spirea Flower EssenceInvites you to let down your guard; pull down the protections around your heart. Enables you to live with compassionate equanimity and encourages you to generously engage in life with a Spirit-filled heart. 

Hardy Fuchsia Flower Essence: Aligns you with the resonance of the heart’s electromagnetic field transforming heart experience imprints that no longer serve you. It deepens your capacity to breathe in Universal Joy and breathe out your own heartfelt Joy to others. Reawakens “heartapathic” communication. 

Starflower Flower EssenceHelps you to remember we are multidimensional star-conscious souls aligned with living on Earth. We are the creators and players of the Divine Universal Matrix! We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Lily of the Valley Flower Essence: All is in Divine order; facilitates the re-connection of the energetic pathways that hold the codes of being a multidimensional Human. Assists you to experience calm and acceptance in the moment

Western Red Cedar Tree Essence: Supports the process of developing a spiritual spine and the connection from the iron core of Mother Earth to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Lifts your head above the clouds of illusion in the collective human consciousness, and encourages the capacity of seeing with discernment.


Comes in a convenient storage box for easy keeping and travel.


Available in Shiso or Brandy base. All essences in this set are in the 1/2 fl oz cobalt blue bottles with dropper tops. 



Customer Reviews

Higher Heart of Unity Consciousness

I ❤️ this set and used to assist with my heart-brain HeartMath practices calming the nervous system allowing for a deepening state of awareness with the breath so needed during these times of great change. I set my intention to let go of any fear or old habits that no longer serve me. The description and affirmation of each essence so helpful and powerful. Thank you

Suzanne Marie :: 24 Jun 2024, 22:54

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