DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend


About Red Shiso Base

Product Code: DUR110

The Du and Ren meridians are two of the eight Extraordinary Meridians (AKA Strange Meridians, Homeostatic Meridians, The Eight Psychic Channels). The Du meridian (AKA Governing Vessel) monitors and directs all of the yang meridians and is the reservoir of yang energy. The Ren (AKA Conception Vessel) monitors and directs the yin meridians and is the reservoir of yin energy. They supply and circulate chi in the body.

The Ren meridian starts between the anus and genitals and moves up the front centerline of the torso, neck, and chin to just below the lower lip.
The Du meridian starts at the coccyx (tailbone) and moves up the centerline of the back following the spine, up the neck, over the center of the cranium, and down the center of the forehead and nose to the upper lip.

To see diagrams of this meridian, press the “+ more images” link.


Use DuRen Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you feel exhausted or unstable to your core – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Symptoms of an unbalanced Ren meridian may include extreme anxiety, feeling shattered or broken; chronic bowel, digestion, lung or heart issues; uterine bleeding or infertility. Symptoms of an unbalanced Du meridian may include core emotional and physical weakness, deep coldness, chronic urinary and reproductive issues, and survival orientation to life.
The DuRen Blend instills core strength and stability. It works at the points on the Du and Ren meridians, including the chakras, to integrate high-frequency energies into your body. When this process flows smoothly your body/mind/spirit connection stays within the balance of dynamic equilibrium. A balanced Ren meridian enhances emotional, mental, and spiritual stability restores life force and vitality. It regulates the three burners and related organs. A balanced Du meridian enhances emotional, mental, and physical strength to stand in your power, and encourages you to have the “spine” to engage life from your authentic self.


Core strength, energy for life, the three burners, and all organs.

DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend contains the following Flower Essence and Tree Essences:

Note:  Each of these essences is grounded through crystals; Indian Pipe, Pathfinder, Saskatoon, Self Heal, Shore Pine Tree, and Western Red Cedar Tree also have imprints of sound and/or eagle feather. Press the link to the individual essence page for more information.

Lungwort- Helps you to move beyond duality to find a dynamic balance between the “unseen and the “seen.” As your two lungs operate in unison helps you to integrate opposite aspects of yourself into harmonious living.

Self-Heal - Enhances downloading high-level spiritual frequencies while aligning all of the chakras. Increases your ability to integrate that strong communication into your physical body with ease. Facilitates grounding and moving into resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat. All of this enables your body/mind to function coherently.

Pathfinder – Brings the vibrational octaves of the ley lines (energy meridians) of the Earth, the organ energy meridians of the human subtle bodies, and the cosmic pathways of light and sound into resonant harmony, which improves your health and well-being. Spins the Earthstar chakra, the 3rd eye chakra, and the star chakra. 

Outrageous Rose - Supports the energy circuits that relate to the corpus callosum, a bridge of nerve tissue, to facilitate coordinated communication between the two brain hemispheres and their related functions.

Saskatoon - Assists whole-brain functioning at the new higher frequencies by supporting wiring of new brain pathways. Stabilizes ability to think, orient in space, unsettled emotions, and body metabolism. Facilitates being peacefully grounded in your body.

Salal – Walk the beauty way. Enlivens experiencing beauty, presence, and equanimity, which enhances your sense of well-being. Radiate this beauty and peaceful equanimity to others in everything you do. Go de-Light-fully through your day.

Nootka Wild Rose - As the buds of this rose open, so can your heart open and blossom Divine Love and Gratitude into your life through aligning your heart chakra with the World Heart and the Universal Heart.

Red Clover- As you walk through the threshold of expanded consciousness wrapped in Light, transform lower frequency emotions that stand in your way of progressing with ease.

Douglas Fir Tree - Encourages you to stand in your power, solidly rooted in your legs like tree trunks.  This helps you to ground ideas and step out with practical action. Supports the peripheral nervous system in the legs.

Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid  - Supports being comfortable and at home in your body through being grounded in Mother Earth. Helps you to recharge from Her unlimited energy source.

Kinnikinnik - Encourages you to gently snuggle into open-hearted love for yourself. Opens the back of the heart chakra.

Bloodroot - Nudges out physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual genetic patterns inherited from generations of family members to make way for the light of new potential. Reawakens living as a fully functioning human.

Goat's Beard – Supports wholeheartedly being in your environment as a surefooted, inquisitive, quick, incisive human animal.  Innate body confidence with no sense of rush or jitteriness makes it easy to handle the flow of daily happenings. Revel in this time of being Spirit in a physical body! Enjoy being nurtured and at home on Earth.

Chocolate Lily - Drink up Earth Light from the root of your spine and connect deeply with your Mother Earth while receiving clear multi-dimensional guidance. Loosens anger and structural tension in the pelvic/hip area.

Motherwort - Open your heart to the Life Force Matrix of the Universe to receive Divine Love and Compassion. Experience that at the same time, in no time, your heart energy extends far into the Universe, and is also here now at this moment. Deep Peace.

Comfrey - Aids in the healing of wounds so deep and traumatic that they affect your soul's journey. Encourages feeling emotionally and physically safe, and engenders tenderness, self-compassion, and joy during this deep healing process.

San Juan Mugwort – Helps you integrate spiritual experiences and information received in expanded states of consciousness into your daily reality.

Iris – Keeps the torus of electromagnetic energy around your body stable and connected with Earth and Spirit when you are in a disruptive environment, and channels that connect to the cellular level.

Indian Pipe – Activates rising above arguing, warring, resentment, and grudges to see how each person, including yourself, is playing a role in a conflict that is providing lessons for your spiritual growth. From this perspective access forgiveness, personal peace, embody the lessons, and step away from the drama.

Devil's Club  - Provides support and comfort when life's experiences have drained your inspiration and joy. Transforms thorns into a healing balm and reconnects you to your spiritual roots.

Western Red Cedar Tree – Breaks down the barriers keeping you from discerning your true spiritual power. Invites you to experience the connection of your spiritual spine from the core of the Earth, through the heart, to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Encourages seeing through the veil of illusion to experience unity consciousness.

Pearly Everlasting - Through the outer boundary (9th layer) of your energy fields, your 3rd eye, crown, and star chakras, resonate with the Divine song of the Universe. Restores cellular memory of Divine Awareness and impulses release of anything in the way of this.

Moon Shadow Rose  - Instead of chasing shadows of your past, be open to the lessons that can be gleaned and move forward toward discovering your authentic Self. Encourages you to trust in the safety and sweetness of life.

Trillium – Encourages effortlessly integrating your energy into the Matrix of the Universal All-That-Is. Increases your experience of connection to and communication through this Divine Grid of Life.

Shorepine Tree - By the authority of my Soul! Instills mental, emotional, and body confidence to integrate conscious awareness with all of your dimensional bodies. Healing past life experiences that keep you in fear of owning your Divine Authority.

Spotted Coral Root Orchid -– Harness the fuel created through the process of decomposing and releasing old emotional and energetic patterns. Use this fuel to peacefully transform your biochemistry, moods, and beliefs to higher possibilities. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.

Cooley's Hedge Nettle – Live life from an internal orientation of playful joy, knowing that we are all Spirit having a human experience. With this understanding from a higher consciousness, accept and honor each person in a relationship or situation even if the dynamic is difficult. Brings the endocrine system into balance.

Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:

Drusy Quartz - Energizes and stabilizes your energy fields.

Hematite - Balances dualities and integrates the highest spiritual energies with your physical body so you can bring all experience into a cohesive whole. Assists you to ground your highest purpose into your daily life.

Lemurian Seed Crystal - Helps you to rise above perceived isolation and separation from Spirit while on the Earth plane and to connect with the Divine Feminine

Moonstone (White) - Instills calmness and awareness. It helps you to sort your emotions to see how they serve your higher purpose.

Stibnite - Helps you to assimilate high-frequency energy into your body and complete your energy circuit with the Earth.

Sunstones – is a stone of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. It warms and stimulates the emotional body, and transforms anger and judgment into joy by raising your vibrational frequency.

Energetically Charged Through Sound of:

Brass Du Ren Bowl – Sounded over each batch of Du Ren Blend as it is charging within the crystal grid.

Click here to watch a short video of the Du Ren blend in a crystal matrix, with Diana toning the Du Ren brass bowl.


Spray top: 1 or 2 sprays orally 2 or 3 times per day.
Dropper top: 2 or 3 drops 2 or 3 times per day.

DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils.
Click here for more information on the red shiso and vinegar preservative base.

DuRen Energy Meridian Blend (30 ml/1-ounce bottle)

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