Wood Element: Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend
The gallbladder is the backup to the liver. It stores bile secreted by the liver and clears it of water and other substances, then secretes it out when food that contains fat enters the digestive tract.
Use Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you are experiencing emotional patterns such as bitterness, cynicism and anger turned outward at authority figures, especially when a process is interrupted. Gallbladder imbalance can express mentally as fuzzy, confused thinking. Gallbladder imbalance may affect your hips, other joints, connective tissue, or muscular structure. It is characterized by TMJ, and headaches around the side of the head. Waking up often between 11 PM - 1 AM can indicate a physical, mental, or emotional gallbladder imbalance. Gallbladder OEMB also can be used to help with gallstones or other gallbladder disorders.
The Gallbladder OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical gallbladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend supports the healthy functioning of the gallbladder. Can assist “gallbladder” headaches. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and channel anger toward creative solutions. It facilitates clear thinking in gallbladder’s role as the strategist, decision-maker, and implementer of effective action. Supports detoxifying.
Eyes, muscles, joints, and connective tissues.
The time when Gallbladder Meridian is functioning at peak energy:
11 PM – 1 AM
Meridian Energy Flow:
Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend contains the following Flower Essences and Tree Essences:
Note: Each of these essences is grounded through crystals; Indian Pipe also has sound imprints. Raven participated in making the Hawthorn Tree Essence. Press the link to the individual essence page for more information.
Burdock – Releases stuck, suppressed anger embedded deep in your body and energy fields from both present and past life experiences. Detoxifying.
Burdock – Releases stuck, suppressed anger embedded deep in your body and energy fields from both present and past life experiences. Detoxifying.
Dandelion -- Attunes you to the essence of the sun to upgrade the functioning of your liver and gallbladder systems. Assists you with clearing and expelling toxic imprints.
Blue Vervain – Calms agitated outbreaks of anger that come out as grumpy, bitter, irritable or caustic. Shifts your emotional state to one of “sweet calm,” and provides the support system to reconnect your heart with your life purpose.
Oregon Grape- Releases the habit of valuing yourself in relationship to what you think others think of you. Open yourself to accepting your true unique nature and power.
Spotted Coral Root -– Harness the fuel created through the process of decomposing and releasing old emotional and energetic patterns. Use this fuel to peacefully transform your biochemistry, moods, and beliefs to higher possibilities. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.
Spotted Coral Root -– Harness the fuel created through the process of decomposing and releasing old emotional and energetic patterns. Use this fuel to peacefully transform your biochemistry, moods, and beliefs to higher possibilities. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.
White Fawn Lily – Encourages deep loving introspection that grows reverence for all life and nurtures your genuine self. Then supports you to open your heart, share Peace and the gift of your authentic self with the world.
Red Huckleberry --- Reorganizes energetic brain functions for easier comprehension of both the multidimensional and daily-life-on-Earth aspects of making plans, creating tasks and putting them into action. Engenders patience during this process.
Indian Pipe – Activates rising above arguing, warring, resentment and grudges to see how each person, including yourself, is playing a role in a conflict that is providing lessons for your spiritual growth. From this perspective access forgiveness, personal peace, embody the lessons and step away from the drama.
Black Gooseberry - Assists grounding Guidance downloaded from higher dimensions through your inner knowing and wisdom into daily life. Ease with sudden rapid changes and new opportunities. Full multidimensional systems integration.
Vine Maple - Turns your gaze from the internal critic focusing on guilt and shame toward your Higher Self focusing on forgiveness, empowered self-worth and tender self-love.
Stinging Nettle - Support for coming out of the fog of living in a way that can't support our true Being. Aids in making clear choices especially about changing your relationship to toxic situations.
Devil's Club - Provides support and comfort when life's experiences have drained your inspiration and joy. Transforms thorns into a healing balm and reconnects you to your spiritual roots.
Moon Shadow Rose - Instead of chasing shadows of your past, be open to the lessons that can be gleaned and move forward toward discovering your authentic Self. Encourages you to trust in the safety and sweetness of life.
Hawthorn Tree – Shapeshift your creative process! When blocks and slowdowns get in your way, stay with the process instead of falling into anger and confusion. Use the magic of clear, intense, spiritually aligned intention to create exactly what you want to happen.
Blackcap Raspberry - Opens your access to inner knowing and multidimensional Guidance for helpful information about subconscious blocks that are hindering your process.
Lupine - Retrains the energetic pathways that feed fear and anxiety toward responding from personal peace & gratitude.
Red-Osier Dogwood - Aligns the body/mind where frequencies are out of resonance with your evolutionary process and are disrupting your cellular body coherence.
Salmonberry --- Courage for acting on your intuition as to take advantage of opportunities that life presents to you, even when it's not convenient or you feel resistant. Connect to your higher purpose and joyfully take action anyway.
Douglas Fir Tree - Encourages you to stand in your own power, solidly rooted in your legs like tree trunks. This helps you to ground ideas and step out with practical action. Supports the peripheral nervous system in the legs.
Meadow Rue - Helps you reorient to your life stories from a place of higher consciousness, creating more peace and ease in your life.
Valerian - Transforms buried negative emotions, especially anger, and the resulting emotional, mental, and hormonal wildfires, into the beneficial fire. Assist you to burn away the weeds of illusions and produce fertile ground for future growth.
Osoberry - Aligns you with the ability to embody your multi-dimensional soul purpose for this lifetime while staying grounded, centered, energized and calmly focused amidst the various activities and responsibilities of your daily life. Encourages self-care to maintain your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing during this process.
Purple Monarda - Like sun breaking though clouds, rays of purple spiritual light pierce the clouded human collective consciousness creating openings for high-frequency energy to flow into your experience of daily life. Assists with staying grounded, flexible, and open-hearted while experiencing this “as above so below” transformation.
Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:
Black Tourmaline – Releases worry, anxiety, and negative attachments. Supports cleansing toxins and heavy metals. Purifies and protects your energy fields while grounding your energy circuits into the Earth’s circuits.
Charoite - Releases victimization and negative emotions, enhances courage and appropriate assertiveness, assists with integrating heart chakra and higher mental energies.
Drusy Quartz – Helps to energize and stabilize your energy fields.
Red Aventurine - Aligns you with your highest path and encourages fortitude, discernment, commitment, and perseverance to stay on that path.
Smokey Quartz with Citrine – Removes blockages from your spiritual path, enhances metaphysical abilities and grounds them into everyday reality. It assists in rewriting contracts made in other lives and letting go of old beliefs and thought forms that are no longer useful and are holding you back.
Sugilite – helps overcome feelings of hopelessness, worry and overwhelm, or negative thinking. Assists you to see other options and to take courage when manifesting your dreams.
Charoite - Releases victimization and negative emotions, enhances courage and appropriate assertiveness, assists with integrating heart chakra and higher mental energies.
Drusy Quartz – Helps to energize and stabilize your energy fields.
Red Aventurine - Aligns you with your highest path and encourages fortitude, discernment, commitment, and perseverance to stay on that path.
Smokey Quartz with Citrine – Removes blockages from your spiritual path, enhances metaphysical abilities and grounds them into everyday reality. It assists in rewriting contracts made in other lives and letting go of old beliefs and thought forms that are no longer useful and are holding you back.
Sugilite – helps overcome feelings of hopelessness, worry and overwhelm, or negative thinking. Assists you to see other options and to take courage when manifesting your dreams.
Spray top: 1 or 2 sprays orally 2 or 3 times per day.
Dropper top: 2 or 3 drops 2 or 3 times per day.
Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is not made with any essential oils.
Click here for more information on the red shiso and vinegar preservative base.
Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend (30 ml/1-ounce bottle):
Dropper top: 2 or 3 drops 2 or 3 times per day.
Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is not made with any essential oils.
Click here for more information on the red shiso and vinegar preservative base.
Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend (30 ml/1-ounce bottle):