Prophecy Aromatherapy & Essence Mister
Prophecy Aromatherapy & Essence Mister
Prophecy was once sold as a proprietary aroma blend at a local Bellingham, WA metaphysical store, Wise Awakening. We love the scents and essences in Prophecy, and we think you will love them just as much as we do! We feel there is no better time than the present moment to bring it back, as we Unity Shift into a higher state of consciousness.
Listen to the stirrings of your heart. Call on your ancient roots and current knowing through the Guidance of the Divine Feminine. Then live the prophectic tellings of integrity and light overcoming darkness through compassionate action.
Flower Essences:
Nootka Wild Rose - As the buds of this rose open, so can your heart open and blossom Divine Love and Gratitude into your life through aligning your heart chakra with the World Heart and the Universal Heart.
Clary Sage- Assists envisioning clearly what you want for your life, the next step, or a project. Supports receiving psychic impressions and interpreting them through the brain and heart into seeing, hearing, sensing, or knowing.
San Juan Mugwort – Helps you integrate spiritual experiences and information received in expanded states of consciousness into your daily reality.
Garnet Hollyhock – Invites you to access the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy through the gateway of your higher heart. It supports you to live from this expanded, higher heart-centered awareness.
Purple Monarda- Like the sun breaking through clouds, rays of purple spiritual light pierce the clouded human collective consciousness creating openings for high-frequency energy to flow into your daily life experience. Assists staying grounded, flexible, and openhearted while experiencing this “as above so below” transformation.
Essential Oils:
Vetiver – Grounding, calming, reduces stress and tension, used to soothe the emotions.
Frankincense – Centering, purifying, relaxing, alluring, uplifting. Supportive for meditation and spiritual ceremony.
Allspice – Helps to clear your mind of any stress or worries. It warms, cheers, comforts, and nurtures. Encourages positive feelings and eases feelings of depression.
Rosewood – Calming nurturing effect. Promotes a sense of well-being, self-love, and self-acceptance. It harmonizes with the new energies filtering through onto this planet and helps us awaken to ourselves.
Patchouli – Calming, relaxing and uplifting. The warm, earthy, chocolatey scent is known to improve mood when inhaled. Relieves anxiety, stress, and depression, making it effective for achieving relaxation, especially in meditation.
Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:
Angelite - Is a stone of tranquility that invokes inner peace. It connects you with your angels and spiritually aligned guides.
Blue Phantom Quartz- Carries a comforting resonance and helps you feel connected to other people. It also facilitates the expansion of your energy bodies to connect with All That Is in a way that is safe and protected.
Cavansite - Supports receiving information from higher dimensions, connects you with inner truth, and enhances your ability to communicate that. It assists you to move into the future with enthusiasm and optimism.
Drusy Quartz - Helps energize and stabilize your subtle bodies.
Fluorite - Brings clarity and the ability to see other realities. It aligns the spirit with the physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and the two sides of the brain with each other.
Rutilated Quartz - Helps with concentration and memory, clears the aura, and balances the chakras. It can also relieve anxiety, ease depression, and promote self-discipline.
Spray around your head, body, or room for an instant shift to energetic balance. NOT to be used orally due to the essential oils used in this mister.
Prophecy Aromatherapy and Essence Mister: (30 ml/1oz bottle)
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